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3 posters

    Lost all my friends and cannot contact them


    Posts : 39
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    MM Name : sinclair

    Lost all my friends and cannot contact them Empty Lost all my friends and cannot contact them

    Post  Sinclair Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:37 am

    Hi all, yesterday I lost my helpers for the 4th time, but this time all my friends are gone too. I can still receive requests on my wall, but cannot send gifts or receive gifts. I can visit friends from wall requests but not write on their walls. pale Crying or Very sad Evil or Very Mad earlier this week I tried to contact GI about my lost helper problem and they sent me an e-mail that all limitations were gone and I could freely enjoy all the game features bla bla bla. Well it is NOT.
    So if you try to contact me these days I can not answer or help you. Gladly we have the forum cheers
    Hope to see you soon in the game! Grtz From Sinclair

    Posts : 141
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    MM Name : debinapril

    Lost all my friends and cannot contact them Empty Re: Lost all my friends and cannot contact them

    Post  Debinapril Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:27 am

    Hi Sinclair,

    I hear you! Very Happy I lost my friends and helpers for the 4th time. I did get them back briefly but for how long? Reluctantly I have decided to join the 2 days of silence partly protest but also to see if GI gets its house in order. It'll do me good to give it a rest too. You never know I might just not bother to return, I'll see how I feel. I hope your issues are resolved soon. I have enjoyed our brief friendship on MM.
    All the best,

    Debbie. Very Happy

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    Location : Italy
    MM Name : ⚡mystique⚡

    Lost all my friends and cannot contact them Empty Lost.....just lost!

    Post  ⚡mystique⚡ Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:07 pm

    I lost my friends and helpers too! Hooked my ipad up to my computer and I got my friends back, but no helpers! Then the other day they just started coming back one by one as if I just started the game, now I have 6. I'm not going into the friends area, because that seem to be where the problem is, which is a pain, because I like to add friends! On strike too, just hope they do something about it. I have filed complaints before and I guess I have been lucky and they have always been resolved, but this time I'm getting no answer!

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