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    Selenoid for Selene Room


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    Selenoid for Selene Room Empty Selenoid for Selene Room

    Post  JoKristie628 Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:08 am

    Are banishing aliens the only way to get selenoids? I know you can charge one of the collections to get them but in order to obtain those collection items you have to keep going into the Selene room. Ive tried banishing aliens and they hardly ever drop selenoids for me.

    Posts : 91
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    Join date : 2012-07-12
    MM Name : highlandlass

    Selenoid for Selene Room Empty Re: Selenoid for Selene Room

    Post  highlandlass Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:00 am

    A few weeks ago the aliens would drop quite a few selenoids, especially if you run a turtle, but lately they have been dropping hardly any at all, and the only ones that seem to drop any, for me at least, are the tripods.

    I resorted to spending 50 diamonds on the new chest of Selene in the shop, it gives you 150 selenoids and 15 of each charging item for the room ( or it might be 15 total charging items, I forget!) but it's much better value than buying them in sets of 10 at 10 diamonds!

    Posts : 7
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    Selenoid for Selene Room Empty Re: Selenoid for Selene Room

    Post  JoKristie628 Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:59 pm

    highlandlass wrote:A few weeks ago the aliens would drop quite a few selenoids, especially if you run a turtle, but lately they have been dropping hardly any at all, and the only ones that seem to drop any, for me at least, are the tripods.

    I resorted to spending 50 diamonds on the new chest of Selene in the shop, it gives you 150 selenoids and 15 of each charging item for the room ( or it might be 15 total charging items, I forget!) but it's much better value than buying them in sets of 10 at 10 diamonds!

    Well, I guess I'm never going to finish the room's quests. The aliens won't drop them and I have a feeling that even if I buy the chest I still won't have enough to get all the collection items I need to charge to get more selenoid. And there's no way I'm buying twice! Lol

    Posts : 17
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    Join date : 2012-08-09

    Selenoid for Selene Room Empty Fragments of selenoid....

    Post  trent.roman Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:59 pm

    Dont complete all the quests once you are in the moonrover..once i got a quest to charge the collection for a snatchin foreman, I think it's right after the tool collection all the robots stopped dropping fragments of selenoid when I banishment them!!! Gawd this is sooo frustrating...I hate finding these things out after its too late. So my advice....before and after you gain access to moonrover banish as many robots as you destroyer etc. because you are screwed if you don't!!

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