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    Need friends to help


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    Need friends to help Empty Need friends to help

    Post  Tara89 Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:56 pm

    I need friends that can help me with the painter robots.. I need 6 more and I've been stuck for a week and find none. Ill gift you whatever you need, that I have. I play daily.

    Friend code ce9cb8

    My name is Tara

    Thank you!

    Posts : 32
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    Need friends to help Empty Re: Need friends to help

    Post  mayri Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:11 am

    Tara89 wrote:I need friends that can help me with the painter robots.. I need 6 more and I've been stuck for a week and find none. Ill gift you whatever you need, that I have. I play daily.

    Friend code ce9cb8

    My name is Tara

    Thank you!

    Once you enter Selene you're so gonna regret this post and I'll be there laughing, hahhaha!

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    MM Name : lexp333

    Need friends to help Empty Re: Need friends to help

    Post  lexp333 Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:14 am

    Out of curiosity...why? What does Selene provide? More robots than you can shake a stick at?
    Rosie Hallahan

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    Need friends to help Empty Selene room

    Post  Rosie Hallahan Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:59 pm

    I think they mean its a bit of a disappointment, it's almost completely grey and items are really hard to find. On top of that it takes ages to get the keys to search it. You can only get robots from the laboratory or friends

    Posts : 32
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    Need friends to help Empty Re: Need friends to help

    Post  mayri Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:53 am

    Rosie Hallahan wrote:I think they mean its a bit of a disappointment, it's almost completely grey and items are really hard to find. On top of that it takes ages to get the keys to search it. You can only get robots from the laboratory or friends

    Not to mention that you soon run out of selenoids or whatever they're called and the only way to end the room's quests is to depend on friends to send the items. no way you can be an 100% expert in that room unless you play that game for years or spend hundreds of dollars to GI....

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    MM Name : Pauline

    Need friends to help Empty Re: Need friends to help

    Post  paulinelhg Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:01 am

    Selene Room is the most boring room in MM thus far, its grey, items are small, think Zodiac seems more interesting once you get the hang of it.

    Not only that, when it was introduced, the oil cans that u need, simply do not drop! Fortunately for current version, the drop rate is decent with turtle of luck.

    Solenoids are rare!!! That's an understatement! I have about 8 aliens in my manor for friends to banish n get Solenoid. You can do this by banishing floaters you don't like until you get those desired.

    The drop rate of collection items is not good too. What is good is the reward "Astronaut lunch" which gives 10% more chance to find items...

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