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    MM Name : PegWalt

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    Post  PegWalt Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:25 am

    When the "Make Friends" Button is in the Add Friends Tab, if you don't want to "Make Friends", what do you do? Does it go away in the 8 Hours for list updates to occur or what? I'm starting to be more selective now that I have alot of friends and it is becoming overwhelming. I'm also trying to figure out which friends to remove from my game. I pick on a level group, like under 20 and 20 to 30 and send 50 gifts out and I check the Mystery Gifts to see if they respond against there names I've written down.

    Anyone have any better ideas on weeding out friend's list?

    Keeping up with what people send me from a collection for no reason (other than it is on my Wish List) and then I try to return the favor is starting to take up alot of my time and then I don't have much time to play the game!

    Any thoughts on how to control this would be greatly appreciated.

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    Post  Guest Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:00 am

    You don't have to make friends if you don't want to! I never add friends from there anymore because the few that I did add aren't active players. When someone adds you visit their manor first. If they already have 1000 friends you can assume that you won't be getting much help from them! So decline. As far as weeding out friends list I'm still thinking on that for myself. I think instead of the level they are on I'm going to start writing down #of friends while I'm out visiting and track who I offer trades with. Friends over 750 and no response to trade offers are going to be deleted. I would rather have 100 friends that I can help a lot than 225 that most get in the way.

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    Post  Admin Mon Apr 02, 2012 1:06 pm

    You can also keep track of which friends always have full energy. That is an obvious sign that they do not play, or do not play regularly.

    One last note - I found that I do like to keep a few low level friends (15-25). They have some items that are otherwise nearly impossible to get (cats, witch's hat/broom, etc). Sometimes, they don't want to play anymore and just want to give their items away.

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    Post  Guest Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:27 pm

    Me personally I also take into account reputation level...if you're level 50 and have a reputation of 30 I'm probably gonna delete you...but that's just me.

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    Post  engineer Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:13 pm

    kmad004 wrote:Me personally I also take into account reputation level...if you're level 50 and have a reputation of 30 I'm probably gonna delete you...but that's just me.

    Why? I didn't "discover" friends until I was above level 20, so it took me a little while to get my reputation level up. That doesn't mean that I don't play, that I won't trade with you, or I won't leave you tips and wake your helpers. I don't understand the whole reason for deleting all these friends to begin with, but that's my perspective.

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    Friend Code : B15B06
    MM Name : rainkid

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    Post  Admin Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:12 pm

    I kinda agree - some people realize that reputation level has a cap of 51, while experience level has no cap, so they focus on gaining experience levels. I delete some players with reputation levels lower than 20.

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    Post  Daby Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:34 pm

    New question, but same topic: Do you receive diamonds when adding friends from the game? Or only when you add a code from an outside source?

    I agree on selective friend gathering,by the way. I have noticed my game crashes when I try to visit friends with 800+ friends. Plus I like to visit (chat) with my friends and help when I can. That is easier when you don't have too many. I love you

    Posts : 969
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    Friend Code : B15B06
    MM Name : rainkid

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    Post  Admin Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:41 pm

    As far as friends go - you only get diamonds if you enter a friend code successfully, or if another player enters your friend code. You do not get diamonds for clicking Make Friend button in the Friend window.

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