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    Game not dropping Chocolate medals, glacial swords or peacock feather


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    Game not dropping Chocolate medals, glacial swords or peacock feather Empty Game not dropping Chocolate medals, glacial swords or peacock feather

    Post  ron197192064 Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:10 pm

    game used to drop glacial swords alot, but once the Snowminator quest from Van Helsing "Cut hydras heads off" showed up, I have got exactly 1 glacial sword and two chocolate medals since last week, even with turtle running. I have received ZERO feathers to banish the indian snatchin....I still have not yet healed the sick general snatchin, do I need that to be done first?
    My friend code is 29d142

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    MM Name : Darja

    Game not dropping Chocolate medals, glacial swords or peacock feather Empty Re: Game not dropping Chocolate medals, glacial swords or peacock feather

    Post  Rumorkid Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:43 pm

    I actually never heard of that quest nor of the glacial swords or chocolate medals Neutral Feathers dropped like 90% of the time with me.
    Did some research and its content from the facebook game, dont know anything about that game version.

      Current date/time is Sun Nov 03, 2024 3:00 am