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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

2 posters

    What is "Dead, but Satisfied"?


    Posts : 91
    Points : 4558
    Reputation : 7
    Join date : 2012-07-12
    MM Name : highlandlass

    What is "Dead, but Satisfied"? Empty What is "Dead, but Satisfied"?

    Post  highlandlass Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:08 pm

    A friend gifted me something called "Dead, but Satisfied" but I haven't a clue what it is! Does anyone know? It hasn't appeared in any of my collections, and I've been all through my inventory and it doesn't show up. The only place it appears is in the list of items when you click on Gifts, and then Send collection - it looks like two cards or magazines with the words Massacre Vampires and a picture of a vampire on the front. Does anyone know what it's for and how you would use it??

    Any help in solving the mystery would be appreciated. Smile

    Posts : 87
    Points : 4565
    Reputation : 9
    Join date : 2012-07-23
    Friend Code : 4af728
    MM Name : XYZ

    What is "Dead, but Satisfied"? Empty Re: What is "Dead, but Satisfied"?

    Post  someoneXYZ Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:11 pm

    highlandlass wrote:A friend gifted me something called "Dead, but Satisfied" but I haven't a clue what it is! Does anyone know? It hasn't appeared in any of my collections, and I've been all through my inventory and it doesn't show up. The only place it appears is in the list of items when you click on Gifts, and then Send collection - it looks like two cards or magazines with the words Massacre Vampires and a picture of a vampire on the front. Does anyone know what it's for and how you would use it??

    Any help in solving the mystery would be appreciated. Smile

    "Dead, but satisfied" (Vampiric laughter #129) - Strigoi's castle
    Strigoi's castle at FB version Yard.
    Not familiar android version
    IOS do not have Strigoi's castle, so don't know how to get this collection???

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