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    Beware buying the new chests of the snow queen!


    Posts : 91
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    Join date : 2012-07-12
    MM Name : highlandlass

    Beware buying the new chests of the snow queen! Empty Beware buying the new chests of the snow queen!

    Post  highlandlass Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:19 pm

    I bought one of the new chests initially to get the glacial swords, however now I have built the snow castle I just got invited to my first battle. The keys required to open the battle are showing in my inventory but the game still wanted me to pay 30 diamonds for more to enter the battle! (They are 1 diamond each and you need 30 to enter). It's like the ones in my inventory don't exist!

    The friend who invited me has the same problem!! Just wanted to warn people not to spend diamonds buying these chests because the keys don't work! We are going to open tickets with GI and I'll keep you updated as to how we get on...

    Posts : 115
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    Beware buying the new chests of the snow queen! Empty Re: Beware buying the new chests of the snow queen!

    Post  chrismmuff Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:48 am

    The same thing happened to me. I logged a ticket and they fixed it.

    Posts : 91
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    MM Name : highlandlass

    Beware buying the new chests of the snow queen! Empty Re: Beware buying the new chests of the snow queen!

    Post  highlandlass Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:50 pm

    I logged a ticket last night but haven't had a response yet, however 50 of the "correct" keys appeared in my inventory this morning as if by magic!

    Posts : 91
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    MM Name : highlandlass

    Beware buying the new chests of the snow queen! Empty Re: Beware buying the new chests of the snow queen!

    Post  highlandlass Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:37 pm

    The chests have now disappeared from the shop! Lots of friends experienced the same issue so I guess GI was bombarded with tickets!

    Posts : 35
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    Location : Montreal
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    MM Name : Sherry L.

    Beware buying the new chests of the snow queen! Empty Re: Beware buying the new chests of the snow queen!

    Post  wwragmom Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:57 am

    I have a similar problem. I received 30 icy roses, the same picture that I need to battle the ice queen. They were received as a reward for an achievement. When I try to enter the castle, I am told that I need to buy the 30 keys.
    I dread contacting GI. I have never had a positive outcome with them.
    Never ending correspondence, with nonsense responses. Once I finally responded -"I give up", and they said that they are happy that the problem was solved!

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    Beware buying the new chests of the snow queen! Empty Re: Beware buying the new chests of the snow queen!

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