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    Enlightenment Level


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    Enlightenment Level Empty Enlightenment Level

    Post  bill.marrs.9 Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:59 pm

    I'm looking for some guidance on the Enlightenment Level - how is it determined, how does one advance, etc.? My game level is 93 but my enlightenment is still at one, which makes me feel very unenlightened. Sorry if this has been covered before, but couldn't find any reference to it by searching. TIA

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    Location : Western Australia
    MM Name : kywran

    Enlightenment Level Empty Re: Enlightenment Level

    Post  kywran Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:49 am

    My understanding is that enlightenment is used to explore the basement, which is a feature of the Facebook version but not the Ipad version, which most people here use. I don't know about the android version. I think to increase your enlightenment level you explore the basement rooms. Of course that depends on you having access to the basement by completing the quests.

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    Enlightenment Level Empty Re: Enlightenment Level

    Post  bill.marrs.9 Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:17 am

    Thanks, kywran - that would explain my lack of enlightenment, as I have not opened the basement yet.

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    Enlightenment Level Empty Re: Enlightenment Level

    Post  skiptx Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:30 pm

    kywran wrote:My understanding is that enlightenment is used to explore the basement, which is a feature of the Facebook version but not the Ipad version, which most people here use. I don't know about the android version. I think to increase your enlightenment level you explore the basement rooms. Of course that depends on you having access to the basement by completing the quests.

    Thanks for enlightening us iPad users! jocolor

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    Enlightenment Level Empty Re: Enlightenment Level

    Post  Tinus1959 Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:14 am

    kywran wrote:My understanding is that enlightenment is used to explore the basement, which is a feature of the  Facebook version but not the Ipad version, which most people here use. I don't know about the android version. I think to increase your enlightenment level you explore the basement rooms. Of course that depends on you having access to the basement by completing the quests.

    Still puzzled on this. I have seen people with enlightment level 8 who had no access to the elevator. How can they get to level 8 if they have no access to the basement?

    Posts : 87
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    MM Name : XYZ

    Enlightenment Level Empty Re: Enlightenment Level

    Post  someoneXYZ Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:46 pm

    Tinus1959 wrote:
    kywran wrote:My understanding is that enlightenment is used to explore the basement, which is a feature of the  Facebook version but not the Ipad version, which most people here use. I don't know about the android version. I think to increase your enlightenment level you explore the basement rooms. Of course that depends on you having access to the basement by completing the quests.

    Still puzzled on this. I have seen people with enlightment level 8 who had no access to the elevator. How can they get to level 8 if they have no access to the basement?

    Basement is another quest string and no need to pass the elevator quest string.
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