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    Some items for charge collections


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    Some items for charge collections Empty Some items for charge collections

    Post  MixMarusy Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:55 am

    I have some quests where I need to charge collections and I get all collection items, but havn't items for charge and I don't know from which monsters/rooms can I get it. confused Here are these items:
    Sauce boat
    Tobacco pouch
    Please, tell me if you know!

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    Some items for charge collections Empty Re: Some items for charge collections

    Post  skiptx Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:09 am

    The easiest way to get charging items is to request them from your in-game friends. On the ipad, you look in the collection list for the collection that requires that charger, then hold down on the charger icon until a dialog box pops up. The box will have a button for "Ask Friend" and then you can choose a friend to ask. Make sure your friend has a high enough level as required by the charger.

    If you do it this way, your friends can give you a charger and it doesn't count against the 50/day limit. Also, giving a charger doesn't decrease one's inventory of that charger.

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    Some items for charge collections Empty Re: Some items for charge collections

    Post  MixMarusy Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:19 am

    Yes, I know it, but I play on FB and don't really add someone I don't personally know.
    So I mean another way. I'm sure you can found it somewhere in game, but I don't know where and how.

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    Some items for charge collections Empty Re: Some items for charge collections

    Post  rab Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:06 pm

    In th ipad version many of them drop from snowdoll snatchins.

    Posts : 3
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    Some items for charge collections Empty Re: Some items for charge collections

    Post  MixMarusy Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:23 pm

    I guess it's same for both versions. I didn't get it from snowdoll snatchins yet, but I think it's my bad luck then. I'll try more, thank you! Cool

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