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    Beach Chests


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    Beach Chests Empty Beach Chests

    Post  sjblencoe Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:13 am

    Hello All,

    Am a little confused and wonder if anyone has an answer.

    I have been getting requests from friends on my Wall for the Beach Chests ?? I had no idea that you were able to request Beach Chests directly. If anyone knows how to do this cold you please share the info, many thanks.

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    Beach Chests Empty Re: Beach Chests

    Post  Mbstr8k Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:40 am

    sjblencoe wrote:Hello All,

    Am a little confused and wonder if anyone has an answer.

    I have been getting requests from friends on my Wall for the Beach Chests ?? I had no idea that you were able to request Beach Chests directly. If anyone knows how to do this cold you please share the info, many thanks.

    The beach chest is something your friend got by banishing the beach people. To get a gift they have to send it to a friend who then has to "open" it, by clicking on it. A gift is then returned to that friend from the beach collections. So don't hesitate to click on them; you are helping a friend out! :-)

    Last edited by Mbstr8k on Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 16
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    Beach Chests Empty Re: Beach Chests

    Post  sjblencoe Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:55 pm

    Yes, sorry, I know what he Beach Chest is and how it works but I cannot work out how some friends are able to post a "request" for the Beach Chests on my wall, just like you can do with charge items you need.
    Just wondered if anyone knew how that is done ? It has me stumped !!!

    Posts : 284
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    Beach Chests Empty Re: Beach Chests

    Post  engineer Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:14 pm

    sjblencoe wrote:Yes, sorry, I know what he Beach Chest is and how it works but I cannot work out how some friends are able to post a "request" for the Beach Chests on my wall, just like you can do with charge items you need.
    Just wondered if anyone knew how that is done ? It has me stumped !!!

    That's what "sending" it to a friend does--it leaves the request on the wall of that friend. If you've sent them to your friends, you've already done it Smile

    Posts : 13
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    Beach Chests Empty Re: Beach Chests

    Post  Addicted Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:42 pm

    sjblencoe wrote:Yes, sorry, I know what he Beach Chest is and how it works but I cannot work out how some friends are able to post a "request" for the Beach Chests on my wall, just like you can do with charge items you need.
    Just wondered if anyone knew how that is done ? It has me stumped !!!

    You will find the chest in your inventory, under the chest icon. click on it to pick which friend to send it to and it will post on their page as a request. I hope that helps!

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