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    Billed for purchase I didn't make!!!


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    MM Name : Glinda

    Billed for purchase I didn't make!!! Empty Billed for purchase I didn't make!!!

    Post  Glinda1960 Fri Mar 29, 2013 6:32 am

    Sorry if this has been asked but I did a couple of searches and drew a blank. I have just been billed for an in app purchase of room keys I KNOW I didn't make. It might only be £0.69 but it's the principle. Has this happened to anybody else recently and were you able to get your money back?

    Posts : 54
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    MM Name : Bettsy

    Billed for purchase I didn't make!!! Empty In app purchases

    Post  Bettsy Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:34 am

    I Haven't had this problem but I notice that if you don't have enough keys to get into a room it automatically pops up with the box to buy a chest. It would be so easy to accidentally click on that if you were not concentrating fully. I have turned off in-app purchases in ipad Settings. Since doing that it is surprising how often it pops up saying that it can't purchase what I am short of! If I do want to buy anything in any of my apps then it is a conscious thing to turn the restrictions off.

    It would probably get irritating if you made regular purchases but as I refuse to spend real money on the game it works well for me :-)

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