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    How can I get diamonds?


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    How can I get diamonds? Empty How can I get diamonds?

    Post  Admin Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:56 pm

    Diamonds are VERY important in the game of Mystery Manor. It acts as a currency to purchase items to advance in the game, recover energy and strength, and to complete some quests.

    Fortunately, there are many ways to acquire diamonds:
    - purchase them in-game from the Bank
    - post your friend code and have other players add you as a friend
    - enter other players' friend code to ask them to be your friend
    - gain a level (5 diamonds)
    - enter in gift codes

    Last edited by Brad5868 on Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Diamonds are no longer offered for some ways.)

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    How can I get diamonds? Empty Re: How can I get diamonds?

    Post  davehutch Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:37 pm

    I don't believe typing a code to add a friend gives you diamonds any more. Has anyone else had any luck with this. It doesn't even seem to add a friend.



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    How can I get diamonds? Empty Re: How can I get diamonds?

    Post  Mbstr8k Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:02 pm

    Diamonds are no longer given by adding a friend, accepting a friend OR gift codes. Leveling up or purchasing are the only ways to get them at this time. GI has said that there will be diamond quests/events in future updates.

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    How can I get diamonds? Empty Re: How can I get diamonds?

    Post  Coburnliz Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:00 pm

    THIS IS FOR IPAD ...So far every Friday for the past few weeks, there's been a new message that says go to Facebook for free gift, it's a chest for 5 free diamonds. So keep an eye out, and read your messages on the side of your manor on Fridays..

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    How can I get diamonds? Empty Diamond purchase

    Post  dowehave2 Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:07 pm

    When I enter the bank to purchase diamonds, the diamond count doesn't match as advertised. For example, there is a best deal at the bank for 486 diamonds plus a chest for $19.99 but when I click on the option, a pop up confirmation screen only shows 162 diamonds for $19.99. Can anyone explain? I guess I didn't need to buy them anyway. LOL

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    How can I get diamonds? Empty Re: How can I get diamonds?

    Post  rab Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:22 am

    dowehave2 wrote:When I enter the bank to purchase diamonds, the diamond count doesn't match as advertised. For example, there is a best deal at the bank for 486 diamonds plus a chest for $19.99 but when I click on the option, a pop up confirmation screen only shows 162 diamonds for $19.99. Can anyone explain? I guess I didn't need to buy them anyway. LOL

    I believe that hapoens whenever you buy withthe leprechaun. I dont think the displayed numbers get tripled but you should receive triple the diamonds stated ie 162 to 486

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    How can I get diamonds? Empty Re: How can I get diamonds?

    Post  Arrowyn Mon Jul 22, 2013 3:28 am

    When there's a deal (i.e., 3x amount you buy) & you buy from the bank, the confirmation message doesn't reflect the deal. But you do get 3x the coins or diamonds that you paid for. This is the only situation where I buy from the bank. The first time I got that message, I was sure I was being scammed. Suspicious? Me? Nah!

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    How can I get diamonds? Empty Re: How can I get diamonds?

    Post  dowehave2 Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:45 pm

    Thanks for the info

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