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3 posters

    need help trying to find my friends...


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    need help trying to find my friends... Empty need help trying to find my friends...

    Post  witty101 Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:51 pm

    Hi everyone! My phone got stolen last week and had to restart my game...from level 80 plus  but now im already on level 21  I wasnt able to write down a couple of my very good neighbors so now im writing this eventhough it maybe a long shot but im hoping one of you reading this might know my friends who are under the name of 'ally cat' and 'bricarter' I cant remember the others'...please help in case they are your friends too please send me their invitation codes...thank you so much! 

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    need help trying to find my friends... Empty Re: need help trying to find my friends...

    Post  Skyler Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:39 pm

    witty101 wrote:Hi everyone! My phone got stolen last week and had to restart my game...from level 80 plus  but now im already on level 21  I wasnt able to write down a couple of my very good neighbors so now im writing this eventhough it maybe a long shot but im hoping one of you reading this might know my friends who are under the name of 'ally cat' and 'bricarter' I cant remember the others'...please help in case they are your friends too please send me their invitation codes...thank you so much! 

    I would suggest that if you were able to get some of your friends, see if they were friends with your others. Also, do some wall jumping until you find one of them posting on someones wall. Also, post a wall message on your wall for others to help you look. Lastly, check out the memberlist search on this forum and see if they are here and you can send them a PM. You can also send PM's to anyone who is on here and has them on their wall. Hope you get them back and good luck.

    Posts : 5
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    Join date : 2013-04-23

    need help trying to find my friends... Empty Re: need help trying to find my friends...

    Post  witty101 Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:17 pm

    Thanks for your tip I'll try that...I never got to add any of my old friends Sad

    Posts : 5
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    need help trying to find my friends... Empty Re: need help trying to find my friends...

    Post  witty101 Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:08 pm

    Thanks for your tip I'll try that...I never got to add any of my old friends Sad

    Posts : 302
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    MM Name : Pauline

    need help trying to find my friends... Empty Re: need help trying to find my friends...

    Post  paulinelhg Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:05 pm

    witty101 wrote:Hi everyone! My phone got stolen last week and had to restart my game...from level 80 plus  but now im already on level 21  I wasnt able to write down a couple of my very good neighbors so now im writing this eventhough it maybe a long shot but im hoping one of you reading this might know my friends who are under the name of 'ally cat' and 'bricarter' I cant remember the others'...please help in case they are your friends too please send me their invitation codes...thank you so much! 

    Neutral Im sorry this happened to you... I was going to add you, then realised that you are on phone version, but im on ipad. Perhaps you can let us know if its android or iphone and Im sure there will be good people who may be willing to add you and help you out!

    Good luck Wink

    Posts : 5
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    Join date : 2013-04-23

    need help trying to find my friends... Empty Re: need help trying to find my friends...

    Post  witty101 Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:18 pm

    Thanks pauline.. I forgot to mention on android game...hopefully I can add more friends Smile

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