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ML Boston
Mrs X
belle MM
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    To post or not to post?

    belle MM
    belle MM

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    Post  belle MM Wed May 08, 2013 3:48 pm

    A little bored trying to banish/beat/trade with all the creatures in hopes of finding a key for this or that, so I thought I would ask a question. I make a good effort everyday to visit my friends and send a gift (preferably from their wish list). Sometimes I am only able to leave a charger that is not on the wish list (but I do make an effort to see if they are low on certain chargers).

    My question is this: If I stop by and leave an item that is not on your wish list, do you really want me posting on your wall every other day that I stopped by?

    I don't want to become the annoying friend, so I usually just send a gift, wake up the help and move on without posting. Just curious to see how others felt. I'm a banker, so I know many wouldn't be thrilled to see my tips pop up.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and happy hunting! Very Happy

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    Post  Sablesrgreat Wed May 08, 2013 5:18 pm

    Personally, I like to know who has taken the time to stop by because I make sure they are the first ones I help. Since I have more friends than I have strength or time, it helps we prioritize.
    Mrs X
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    Post  Mrs X Wed May 08, 2013 6:56 pm

    I also like to know who visited, and if u leave a message I will always pop over and return the favor. Posting a message makes it easy for me to find u Laughing
    belle MM
    belle MM

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    Post  belle MM Thu May 09, 2013 11:02 am

    Thank you both for your feedback. I will start posting more on walls. I'm sure if someone doesn't like it ,they will tell me. I appreciate you taking to the time to answer.
    ML Boston

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    Post  ML Boston Fri May 10, 2013 10:51 pm

    I agree...I prefer a quick post so I can easily return favors. If I see that someone has taken the time to visit and send a gift, I want to do the same. Scrolling through the friends list takes a lot more time, and I've also noticed my gifts get "rearranged" from time to time, so I can't always make sure I am responding in a timely manner!

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    To post or not to post? Empty Dissenting voice.

    Post  CheezerWhizzer Sat May 11, 2013 11:15 am

    I have a lot of new friends who are posting when they have fulfilled my wall request. When I got to their manors just to be nice, their entire WLs are hard to find collection items.

    I'm a high level player and people are asking me for things like the Healthy Diet in exchange for a Klein Vase. I'll get messages like "Sent the vase you requested, can you help with my WL?"

    I think if you're fulfilling a wall request, there is no reason to post. At this point, I see that as just cluttering up my wall. Even worse are the people who fulfill your wall request and then send a string of 18 little pictures that I have no idea what they mean.

    My method is to look at my gifts received first. If there is anything there other than a charger, I remember that name and go back and gift that person when I'm fulfilling my own wall requests.

    I have over 5K in strength and keep it around zero. I really don't need tips from level 30 players and I'm not handing over Guarantor of Fidelity in exchange for those tips.

    So I'm asking, leaving a wall message if you leave something real. Wall messages that are just ways to gift beg are annoying.

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    Post  Sablesrgreat Sat May 11, 2013 11:33 am

    I keep my friend list small so I probably do not have as many wall posts as some do, but I really like it when folks note what they left because too many times I have hit the button and then realized I don't know who sent the item to return the favor.

    Just me, I guess Very Happy

    I do wonder as well sometimes what all they title icons mean...sometimes I wonder if its folks who don't speak English not knowing what else to say??

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    Post  lexp333 Sat May 11, 2013 4:34 pm

    I've also been confused by people who post on my wall that they fulfilled my wall request. I don't see it a lot, but I guess maybe they think that was a lot of effort to click on the icon?

    As for the icons, I usually do it when I'm just gifting/tipping/waking and don't have much else to say. I find it more efficient, didn't even occur to me that it might be annoying Embarassed

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    Post  Arrowyn Sat May 11, 2013 8:01 pm

    The cutesy icons are annoying to me for a couple of reasons:

    1 - Only the people who have them to use know the "code". I don't, so I've had to learn (guess) what they mean. Thankfully, I only have 1 friend who uses them (in excess), but I had to learn what she was telling me by compairing her post to what was in my gift inventory. I now know (at least) that a pink bow means she gifted a Möbius Bow. By "in excess", I mean that she sent me a message one day that contained nothing but icons, with an occasional word here & there. I didn't even bother. I wrote her back, asking for a translation.

    2 - Those icons are darn small on an iPad! When 3-4 (or more) icons are strung together, I have to use the magnifier to see what they are. Too much work for my too-limited time, so I usually just ignore the post. Granted, I don't have the eyes of a 20-year old anymore but, still...! I can't even imagine what they look like on a mobile phone.

    Just my opinion. Very Happy
    ML Boston

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    Post  ML Boston Sun May 12, 2013 12:30 am

    I have wondered about those " sent requested gift" posts, too...those and the generic "help with wish list" posts. I want friends to leave a note when they have taken the time to visit and have sent either a wish list item (charger or collection) or taken the time to scroll through and see what I might be lacking and sent a gift (or tipped/woke my helpers). I agree with you lexp333...not a lot of effort required to click that icon!

    And, I confess, I do use some icons...sorry to anyone I may have annoyed! That being said, I don't leave long strings...mostly a smiley or other face at the end of a message. I am just an expressive person!

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    Post  pallhedge Sun May 12, 2013 8:29 am

    I agree. "Sent requested gift" is a waste of time, I expect you to send it, hopefully more than one. My threshold for leaving a msg on a wall is a bit murky. If I feel that what I've done during my visit warrants a return gift, then I'll write. If all I did was send a charger on your wl or wake a couple helpers, then I dont bother. Chances are, you were one of my 51 friends that I get gifts from just for visiting anyway. Thats enough for me. On the other hand, if my helpers are asleep and I wake yours, I'll let you know so you can wake mine. Bottom line, lots of grey area here.

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    Post  Skyler Sun May 12, 2013 7:18 pm

    As for a defined proper etiquette? I am not sure of one. I would say that it depends on your friends and what they would like. I for one, do not leave messages concerning gifts I send. Why? Because I send them without requiring a gift in return. But that is just me. I like to gift sort of anonymously at least to a point. If I wake helpers or tip rooms I may say so, only if I see I don't have a message on your wall and I know that you visit me often. Otherwise, I do it anonymously as well.

    So, it really all depends on your friends and what they would like. I don't see a right or wrong on this issue.

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