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    Game Quest Walk-Thrus


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    MM Name : PegWalt

    Game Quest Walk-Thrus - Page 2 Empty Library Blueprint

    Post  PegWalt Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:02 pm

    Snow65player wrote:What am I reading wrong? Where is the library blueprint? I went into the bunker and offed a few green snatchin's, but no luck.  What am I missing?

    The first Library blueprint for Quest Who Stole the Blueprint is to banish any regular Snatchin, bookworm, hungry or grubby or snowdoll.

    The other 4 blueprints come from the Snatchin Designer who will be roaming your manor. You need 3 Measuring Tapes to banish each time. The tapes can be gotten by buying in the Store or obtained from friends who may have them in their Free Charger Gift Box. Put a message on your wall and ask them to send them to you.

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    Game Quest Walk-Thrus - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Quest Walk-Thrus

    Post  Snow65player Fri Mar 21, 2014 10:14 am

    Thank you! Now on to the hallway!

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    Game Quest Walk-Thrus - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Quest Walk-Thrus

    Post  paulinelhg Fri May 09, 2014 1:34 am


    After completing 2nd anniversary quest, first tier. Where do I find pendant, twinkling stars n balloon? Thx

    Posts : 167
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    MM Name : PegWalt

    Game Quest Walk-Thrus - Page 2 Empty Pendant, star & balloon--Second Anniv

    Post  PegWalt Fri May 09, 2014 3:08 pm

    paulinelhg wrote:Hi,

    After completing 2nd anniversary quest, first tier. Where do I find pendant, twinkling stars n balloon? Thx

    hi Pauline!
    So you have built the Little House while on Mysterious Little Manor quest, right?
    The next 5 quests are to battle specific rooms. To find one of each item in Festive Ornaments Collections. But you can find more than just one with all your searches in 2 hr time limit. Also, I found out I could battle & explore these rooms as often as needed to find what I needed yet, especially for pendant, star & balloon because that is the only place to get them.

    BUT!!!! This part is extremely important!!!
    When you get to quest A Nice Surprise, which is to collect & charge Festive Ornaments Collection to get festive cake, DO NOT charge collection until you have enough of each item needed. I got 12 of each one so I would have at least 1 more of each. DO NOT upgrade Anniversary House at this quest or before this quest. WAIT for Festive House quest, which is next, to do it. Otherwise it will NOT finish off Festive House quest & stay in your quest list forever!

    The next quest Festive House is to find the rest of ornaments in boss rooms. Yes, you still have a chance to get them here, but I liked having them all before getting this quest. Then it says to decorate your present for Manor's birthday. This means to upgrade House! GI doesn't word this very well! I was so confused! Thankfully, friends helped me understand it! So, be sure to only upgrade House at this quest & not before!

    The pendants & stars will occasionally drop every 24 hrs from your house once it is totally done, just like the cake drops items. But not very much!

    Hope this helps! Good luck!

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    Game Quest Walk-Thrus - Page 2 Empty Re: Game Quest Walk-Thrus

    Post  paulinelhg Fri May 09, 2014 3:12 pm

    Thank you, this is so helpful Smile I'm slowly clearing quest Smile))

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    Game Quest Walk-Thrus - Page 2 Empty Second Anniversary Items

    Post  Skyler Wed May 28, 2014 1:05 pm

    Here are the blueprints needed for the Second Anniversary and where to find them

    Dressing Room Blueprint - Library
    Japanese Garden Blueprint - Bedroom
    Kitchen Blueprint - Bathroom
    Hunting Room Blueprint - Pumpkin Patch or other Boss in basement
    Hallway Blueprint - Cuddy
    Living Room Blueprint - Cuddy
    Bedroom Blueprint - Gym
    African Room Blueprint - Garage
    Bathroom Blueprint - Visit Friends and Tip
    Library Blueprint - 1st time Banish Regular Snatchin, afterwards you need to banish Snatchin Designer using 3 measuring tapes each.

    Foundation building
    Banish Snatchin Designer multiple times to get toy construction vehicles collection #293. You will need 7 of each. There is also a quest to charge the same collection. Do not charge the collection until after you have collected the needed items for the foundation. Once you upgrade the foundation, it will remove 7 of each of the toy construction vehicles from inventory.

    Icing on the cake

    Next you will need to collect 10 of each of collection #294. You can find them in the Boss rooms and banishing more snatchin designers.

    Apparently this is where it gets confusing.

    Next it asks you to charge the Festive Ornament Collection, the same collection that you need 10 of each for the icing on the 2nd Anniversary Cake. You cannot get any more of the items that drop from Bosses until you charge this collection, you can still get the snatchin designer ones but the Pendant and Star can only be obtained from the Hotel and Vampire Castle. So, either you pay diamonds to complete the cake or you spend to get boss keys and fight bosses for meager drops in order to complete this portion of the 2nd Anniversary.

    Next you will need to charge Empire Cake and Royal Tea Collections, Charge Airspeeder and Newton Collections, Charge Harry Potter and Snatchin Pianist Collections, Charge General Collection, Charge A Volume by Dumas and Tolstoy Collections and you should be done with that string....

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    Game Quest Walk-Thrus - Page 2 Empty Update 10/15/14

    Post  Skyler Thu Oct 16, 2014 8:10 am

    Added a new Boss Room in basement - Lyceum

    10 new collections - 2 purchased ones and 5 obtained from the new room and 3 collections (350, 352 and 353) are not obtainable from Boss room.

    Also a new twist to defeating Phenoms. Pops up randomly

    Lastly, New collections and the previous new collections have been moved back to the bottom of the collection list.

    To open the room - Must be Level 47
    Ask for the 8 different items or you may purchase them at 1 diamond each. Total of 140 Diamonds
    Next you have to Banish basement minions to obtain 4 other items, needing 3 of each, Or you may buy them with diamonds - total 142 diamonds
    You can also charge the following collections 3 times each -243, 286, 306 and 322
    Next you will need 45 Keys at 1 diamond each
    Now you choose to either fight Violin or Yanina.

    Banish Mr Huckleberry and Young Incubus to get items from collection 350
    The other collection items are said to be found exploring rooms of the basement once the quests start.

    Collection 353
    Stockings-Boiler Room

    Collection 347 may also be obtain during quests
    Anti-Vampire-Wine Cellar
    Cup of Water-Bathhouse

    Last edited by Skyler on Fri Oct 17, 2014 4:39 pm; edited 4 times in total

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    Game Quest Walk-Thrus - Page 2 Empty Phenom/Curse List

    Post  Skyler Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:52 pm

    Here is a list of Phenoms and the curses that follow. I am missing any, please send me a PM if you know them.

    Phenom                 Curse
    Will-o-wisp      Witches Curse
    UFO                 Zero Gravity
    Native Idol        Stone Tongue
    Night Vision        Blinding Light
    Ghost Shadow     Phantom Trace
    Ball Lightning      Electric Shock
    Heavy Rain         Water Spiders
    Granite Golem     Stone Hash
    Storm                 Myopia
    Mist                    Evil Eye
    Mirror                 Mirroring

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    Game Quest Walk-Thrus - Page 2 Empty New Dark Library Room - Witch's Athenaeum

    Post  Skyler Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:57 am

    Located in the top left corner of the 1st Floor (All items can be gifted as well)

    Quest 1 - They're Alive, Alive! - Collect owl feathers to banish the living books
    Quest 2 - Black Candles of Ancient - Babylon Explore rooms in night mode to obtain Babylonian Candles and Explorer Witchs Athenaeum. (you can buy candles in the shop as well to satisfy this quest)
    Quest 3 - The Gypsys Envy -  Silhouettes in the Fortune Telling room (5 Times)
    Quest 4 - Mystical Arts or Culinary Arts - Explore Kitchen in Mist Phenom Mode
    Quest 5 - Niche Reading - Banish 10 Bookworm Snatchins
    Quest 6 - Doors into Darkness - Explore Witch's Athenaeum
    Quest 7 - Mastering Metal - Explorer 69 Club in Night Mode
    Quest 8 - Fire and Water - Banish Ghostly Biker for Book of Fire and The book of water is the bathroom in silhouette mode.
    Quest 9 - The Power of Earth - Explorer Japanese Garden at Night
    Quest 10 - There, Beyond the Fog - Banish Mist phenomenon
    Quest 11 - Balance of the Elements - Charge Folio of Equilibrium Collection #355 , Explorer Witchs Athenaeum in Words Mode
    Quest 12- An Ancient, Unapproachable Animal - Explorer 10 rooms in silhouette mode
    Quest 13 - The Mermaid's Pants - Explore Ocean room at night for Mermaid Tail
    Quest 14 - Virgin Troll Oil - Explorer Kitchen for Troll Oil
    Quest 15 - Angel Feathers - Banish Amor Angel
    Quest 16 - Generals Breath - Search General Snatchin Bunker for Dragon's Breath Bottle
    Quest 17 - Ghost's Blue Fingers - Explore Zodiac Rooms for Apparition Fingers
    Quest 18 - Cauldron's N'Things - Charge Collection #354 and Explorer With's Athenaeum at Night
    Quest 19 - The Dark Bibliophiles Society - Banish 20 Dark Bibliophiles (Get Magic Recorders by searching rooms or charging collection # 357,you will need 60 total)
    Quest 20 - A Thing or Two about Mushrooms - Explore rooms to find Agaricus Mushrooms
    Quest 21 - The Quiet Hunt - Explorer Mictlantecuhtli's Pyramid in Solhouette Mode for the Cantharellus Mushroom
    Quest 22 - Morchella and More - Explorer Garden, Hall and Hunting Room in curse modes to find the Morchella, Boletus and Amanita Mushrooms
    Quest 23 - Drops of Danish Kings - Nymphs Extract can be found in Tropical Island, Household drops in Bedroom at night and Balm by trading with old gypsy woman.
    Quest 24 - The Blood and the Phial - Explorer Strigoli's Castle in Words mode for the Vampire Decotion and Defeat the Sorcerer's Apprentices to get the Witch's Phial.
    Quest 25 - Dark Master Initiation Ceremony - Charge Collection #356 and explore Witch's Athenaeum 3 times.
    Quest 26 - Whether Rain or Snow - Charge Collection #358
    Quest 27 - Sylvania's Story - Charge Artifact #13

    This ends the string of Quests.

    Last edited by Skyler on Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

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