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    UFO room. Intergalatic council. Negotiations and persuasions quest


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    MM Name : Mosedale69

    UFO room. Intergalatic council. Negotiations and persuasions quest Empty UFO room. Intergalatic council. Negotiations and persuasions quest

    Post  Mosedale69 Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:54 am

    Hi, I've been stuck on these quests for months now I am gettin now where with them, the other outstanding quests I have are recent ones and I don't seem to be getting the crop circles appearing around the manor. I'm on level 106 and have had these quest since the early level 70's and need some advice. Does this sound normal? Should it take this long to complete quests? How to I get these quests completed.

    Any help on this would be great.


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    UFO room. Intergalatic council. Negotiations and persuasions quest Empty Re: UFO room. Intergalatic council. Negotiations and persuasions quest

    Post  Abemom2 Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:35 pm

    You need to look at the other quests you have. Some quests drop way before you can start them to entice you...intergalactic council is for sure one of these. There are two helpful places to look to see where you are. There is another page that has the steps for each room on it:

    Also, on this forum, there's a map of quests and requirements. A little out dated but still extremely helpful... I used it to get into flying saucer, brig and island. List the quests you have, and find them on this map...then focus on the ones that get you to where you want to go.

    Here's the link to the map, for the full discussion look under the guides/how to section on this page for the quest map and item list

    Hope this helps!

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    UFO room. Intergalatic council. Negotiations and persuasions quest Empty Re: UFO room. Intergalatic council. Negotiations and persuasions quest

    Post  Poppy Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:39 am

    I second that reply. I printed the intergalactic quest from that fun page and followed along. There are many steps to that quest and it takes a long time. I don't remember if that brings u the flying saucer or the Selene room. I like flying saucer. Selene, not so much, so grayish.

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    UFO room. Intergalatic council. Negotiations and persuasions quest Empty Re: UFO room. Intergalatic council. Negotiations and persuasions quest

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