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3 posters

    crashing out


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    crashing out Empty crashing out

    Post  paulinelhg Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:57 pm

    Hi friends,

    I have been crashing in mm for past 2 days.

    Able to receive gifts and answer wall requests but not able to reply or visit.

    Anyone experiencing this?
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    belle MM
    belle MM

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    crashing out Empty Re: crashing out

    Post  belle MM Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:20 pm

    paulinelhg wrote:Hi friends,

    I have been crashing in mm for past 2 days.

    Able to receive gifts and answer wall requests but not able to reply or visit.

    Anyone experiencing this?
     Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral

    It has been happening to me as well. Usually I can reply to a few wall posts, but then it closes out on me. Very frustrating!

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    MM Name : Pauline

    crashing out Empty Re: crashing out

    Post  paulinelhg Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:32 pm

    yes, reply a few and then crash is normal for me too... but i cant even reply or visit now  pale pale pale pale pale pale pale 

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    crashing out Empty Re: crashing out

    Post  Poppy Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:02 am

    I've been crashing off and on for 2 weeks. Emailed GI, got the usual stupid letter about please provide us with this, this and this and this. You know IOS version, and other stuff.  I refused, and told them that their responses (form letters that they send to us all) never help my issue so why bother. They then said it would be fixed with next update. Which is the same answer I would have received if I had provided all that info. They just do that to act "as if" they're really trying to help.

    Mind you, I have provided them with all that info many times before. And they still do not help. Please if u are reading this, please tell them that their support never rarely addresses our issues, and maybe they'll improve. Doubtful but worth a try. They have a form letter for every scenario, and I have seen them all. I'm so done with them.

    Posts : 302
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    Location : Singapore
    MM Name : Pauline

    crashing out Empty visiting when I can

    Post  paulinelhg Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:42 am

    Lol, I didn't bother emailing GI

    I noticed there are certain times I strictly cannot reply or visit friends. I am guessing it's GI server who is overloaded and cannot support.

    I just try to log on during different times of the day and I go around visiting when I could


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