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    When do you delete friends?


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    When do you delete friends? Empty When do you delete friends?

    Post  karen_ni Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:13 pm

    I was just curious what everyone's criteria is for deleting a friend. I keep my friends list at 50 friends that way I am able to gift to everyone on my list everyday. If I go several days and don't receive any gifts from someone other than mystery gifts, I also delete them to make room for new ones. How does everyone decide who to keep on your list or do you just keep everyone and don't delete anyone?

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    When do you delete friends? Empty Re: When do you delete friends?

    Post  pianofingers Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:29 pm

    I've pared my list down several times. I keep a spreadsheet so it's easier to keep track. Here are my reasons for deleting a member (usually it takes a combination of these for me to delete someone):

    - Doesn't speak English: I know, it's not a nice thing to alienate non-English players, but believe me, I've tried and it never worked out. I can't keep a good trading relationship if I can't communicate with the person.
    - Doesn't respond to my new-friend tests: When I add or approve a new friend, I send them a hello message and a welcome gift. If they don't reply or send anything back after 2 days, it's goodbye new friend.
    - No longer playing: this is a no-brainer. You can tell if their energy is always maximum, if they don't respond to wall requests, or even send mystery gifts back (which means they don't open the gifts anymore).
    - Always sending requests, not sending anything in return.
    - Demands that I send them a collection item, without offering a trade back, nor even asking nicely.
    - Over a thousand friends, or close to a thousand: it always crashes my game when I try to visit them. If I can't visit them, how can I check their gift lists or their collections, or tip their manor? And with so many friends, I don't think they'd notice if they lose one.

    However, a few "friends" of mine fit these characteristics but I still keep them as friends. Why? Either they are an excellent permanent helper (15% Scientist or 10% Explorer), or they have very useful creatures on their manor (e.g. several orange gypsy men; many types of ninjas; lots of aliens). Wink

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    When do you delete friends? Empty Re: When do you delete friends?

    Post  karen_ni Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:14 pm

    pianofingers wrote:I've pared my list down several times. I keep a spreadsheet so it's easier to keep track. Here are my reasons for deleting a member (usually it takes a combination of these for me to delete someone):

    - Doesn't speak English: I know, it's not a nice thing to alienate non-English players, but believe me, I've tried and it never worked out. I can't keep a good trading relationship if I can't communicate with the person.
    - Doesn't respond to my new-friend tests: When I add or approve a new friend, I send them a hello message and a welcome gift. If they don't reply or send anything back after 2 days, it's goodbye new friend.
    - No longer playing: this is a no-brainer. You can tell if their energy is always maximum, if they don't respond to wall requests, or even send mystery gifts back (which means they don't open the gifts anymore).
    - Always sending requests, not sending anything in return.
    - Demands that I send them a collection item, without offering a trade back, nor even asking nicely.
    - Over a thousand friends, or close to a thousand: it always crashes my game when I try to visit them. If I can't visit them, how can I check their gift lists or their collections, or tip their manor? And with so many friends, I don't think they'd notice if they lose one.

    However, a few "friends" of mine fit these characteristics but I still keep them as friends. Why? Either they are an excellent permanent helper (15% Scientist or 10% Explorer), or they have very useful creatures on their manor (e.g. several orange gypsy men; many types of ninjas; lots of aliens). Wink

    If you have more than 50 friends, how do you choose who to send a gift to? I also find that almost no one on my list trades or sends collection items.

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    When do you delete friends? Empty Re: When do you delete friends?

    Post  pianofingers Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:45 pm

    I would keep 60 friends so that I could send 50 charging items, and 10 collection items.

    Oh I forgot!! One more reason to delete a friend Twisted Evil if they are a Banker and they keep leaving tips on my manor, overwriting the 10% Explorer tips that were there! Aaaaargh! As a result, I have very very few bankers left, LOL.

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    When do you delete friends? Empty ? about careers?

    Post  ycul Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:46 am

    I know everyone has a career assigned to them but I did not realize that they meant anything. Exactly how does a career effect you?

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    When do you delete friends? Empty Re: When do you delete friends?

    Post  Mbstr8k Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:16 am

    ycul wrote:I know everyone has a career assigned to them but I did not realize that they meant anything. Exactly how does a career effect you?

    Your helpers have a profession:

    Banker -- increases number of coins you collect from a room by a certain % when you use him/her to explore a room

    Scientist----increases experience when used

    Explorer---increases chance of finding a an item

    The % increase depends on the level of your friend. You can only use one helper in a room at a time, but you can stack a helper and a hint left by a friend in a room. I've heard the highest possible percent is 15%.

    Friends have different jobs for different friends on their list, at least that is what it says under the MM's information section in the game. No way to verify, unless you ask a friend who has the same friend helping in their manor.

    Hope that helps.

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    When do you delete friends? Empty Re: When do you delete friends?

    Post  Admin Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:12 pm

    Explorers can give, at most, +10 increase in drop chance.

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    When do you delete friends? Empty Re: When do you delete friends?

    Post  ycul Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:48 am

    OK I get that. Do the tips your friends leave you make the green impressions in your rooms about increase in coins/experience/find an item?

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    When do you delete friends? Empty Re: When do you delete friends?

    Post  Martino Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:27 am

    Do the tips your friends leave you make the green impressions in your rooms about increase in coins/experience/find an item?

    That's correct. This is how you can see which friend left you a tip for which room. If someone 'wakes up' your 'sleepers' you cannot see who it was, but sometimes they tell you that on your wall with a message.

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    When do you delete friends? Empty Re: When do you delete friends?

    Post  LaVentosa Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:38 am

    Martino wrote: If someone 'wakes up' your 'sleepers' you cannot see who it was, but sometimes they tell you that on your wall with a message.

    I think that is a good way to do it - I really appreciate the waking - even more if otherwise it would be Bankerhints all over. But as you never know who it was, you cannot return the favor. Same the other way 'round. I often put Flags all over before waking someone - or do half half so he might know. But no I'll try the wall - message way.

    Another question: Does anybody actually know if my profession is different with each friend?
    And: How does the experience lvl relate to the hint percentage? Explorer seem to stop at 10% while Banker get higher %s? (Is that like in real life? *eg*)

    Is ist actually true that If I leave a hint, it overwrites any others there already might be? Until the last Update I often used one I got in a room and immediately afterwards got a new -and often different- one, as If one was on top of the other. That's not happening anymore - so either my friends get lazy Sleep or something was changed in the last update?

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    When do you delete friends? Empty Re: When do you delete friends?

    Post  Admin Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:13 pm

    LaVentosa wrote:
    Another question: Does anybody actually know if my profession is different with each friend?
    And: How does the experience lvl relate to the hint percentage? Explorer seem to stop at 10% while Banker get higher %s? (Is that like in real life? *eg*)

    Is ist actually true that If I leave a hint, it overwrites any others there already might be?

    I have checked with 2 real life friends who play, and on both their iPads, I was the same profession.

    Hint percentage is percentage of experience level. You get at most 10% drop chance, 15% experience, and 15% gold. I believe the level to maximize your tip is experience level 50.

    I think rooms hints are queued one on top of another - I seem to have many room tips (about 10-15 per room). I don't search rooms every day.


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    When do you delete friends? Empty Because they are a banker..Snob

    Post  GypsyRose Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:37 pm

    Razz Cool
    pianofingers wrote:I would keep 60 friends so that I could send 50 charging items, and 10 collection items.

    Oh I forgot!! One more reason to delete a friend Twisted Evil if they are a Banker and they keep leaving tips on my manor, overwriting the 10% Explorer tips that were there! Aaaaargh! As a result, I have very very few bankers left, LOL.

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