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    How to bring out Phenomena


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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  Admin Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:11 pm

    I believe my theory on Phenomenons (phenomena) is correct.

    Here is my observation:
    1. If I do the same room over and over and over, phenomenons do not appear.
    2. If I do different rooms, they randomly appear.

    Here is my theory:
    - of all the open rooms, one room is the 'phenomenon' trigger.
    - search this trigger room, and a phenomenon will appear in a random room.

    How I tested:
    - I have all 16 rooms open.
    - If I do African room 16 times, I do not get a phenomenon.
    - However, if I go through all the rooms, in order, I will eventually bring out a phenomenon before I go through the list of all rooms.
    - Each time I had a phenomenon, I cleared it by searching the room.
    - I then started going through the list of rooms again, in order starting with Living Room
    - Each time I did this, a phenomenon would appear before I cleared all the rooms.
    - I have tested this for 6 iterations, and receive a phenomenon each time.

    If this is true, this would also explain why we have more phenomenons at earlier levels - there are few rooms to search, and we search all of them. As we gain higher levels, we ignore the earlier rooms because they do not give good experience or items.

    Of course - now with over 30 phenomenons and STILL not a single one in the Fortune Teller Room, I think the Neptune quest hates me. Crying or Very sad

    Last edited by Admin on Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  Guest Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:26 pm

    I've been told a different approach works....turn all rooms to night mode, phenomena seem to like the dark! It doesn't matter with Sakura, oceanic, room 51 and the lab ( I think), the phenomena don't go in there. So then you should banish all the phenomena but leave the curse if you want to try an entice a phenomena into another room, as they don't show up in cursed rooms! I've tried it, and definitely got more phenomena showing up, still trying to lure them into all the right ones though Razz

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  pianofingers Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:24 pm

    I got the Neptune and the Emerald very quickly, and didn't have to do any luring. In fact, I banished most of the phenomena if they weren't in the rooms I needed them in. If ever I decided to explore a room with a phenomenon, I would make sure to clear the curse out immediately in the next round. I just wanted my manor to look clean and neat, I guess. And then when a phenomenon appears in the room I need it in, I use a turtle and another charm if possible, and make sure my room is tipped by an Explorer, and then I use an Explorer helper. I usually get the item I need right away.

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  Admin Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:14 pm

    Charlie29 wrote:I've been told a different approach works....turn all rooms to night mode, phenomena seem to like the dark! It doesn't matter with Sakura, oceanic, room 51 and the lab ( I think), the phenomena don't go in there. So then you should banish all the phenomena but leave the curse if you want to try an entice a phenomena into another room, as they don't show up in cursed rooms! I've tried it, and definitely got more phenomena showing up, still trying to lure them into all the right ones though Razz

    I decided to put this to the test.

    Got 2 phenomenon while converting all the rooms to night mode. After all 16 rooms in night mode (including UFO), I did African room a few times (about 4-5). No phenomenon. I then accidentally did the Lab, thus taking it off night mode. Currently don't have enough batteries to convert it back to night mode.

    I gained a level, so I did the African Room about 16 times (used some English Breakfast too). No phenomenon.

    I'll redo this test with the Lab converted back to night mode once I have enough batteries.

    I still think my method is better, and it has yet to fail me. Using my method, it takes, on average, 7-8 rooms at a cost of ~390 energy to bring out a single phenomenon.


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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  engineer Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:06 pm

    Admin wrote:

    I decided to put this to the test.

    Got 2 phenomenon while converting all the rooms to night mode. After all 16 rooms in night mode (including UFO), I did African room a few times (about 4-5). No phenomenon. I then accidentally did the Lab, thus taking it off night mode. Currently don't have enough batteries to convert it back to night mode.

    I gained a level, so I did the African Room about 16 times (used some English Breakfast too). No phenomenon.

    I'll redo this test with the Lab converted back to night mode once I have enough batteries.

    I still think my method is better, and it has yet to fail me. Using my method, it takes, on average, 7-8 rooms at a cost of ~390 energy to bring out a single phenomenon.

    I think I agree with Admin on this one. I think what people may be seeing is that in the process of turning all rooms to night-mode, they're just exploring all the rooms. Moreover, I think it may be detrimental to leave a curse in a room for too long because a) it means that you can't explore it, and it may be the "trigger" room, and b) if it's the case that the phenomenon is not just assigned to a random room, but has a specific relationship (eg. exploring the kitchen triggers something in the hunting room), if there's a curse in the room, it won't happen.

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  Admin Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:57 pm

    I would be most interested to know if anyone had done all 16 rooms and NOT gotten a single phenomenon to appear?

    That would disprove my theory.

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  engineer Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:11 pm

    Admin wrote:I would be most interested to know if anyone had done all 16 rooms and NOT gotten a single phenomenon to appear?

    That would disprove my theory.
    No, but I guess now I have something to try Smile

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  Admin Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:27 pm

    You have an engineer's spirit!

    Let me know the results of your testing Very Happy

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  LaVentosa Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:15 pm

    Admin wrote:I would be most interested to know if anyone had done all 16 rooms and NOT gotten a single phenomenon to appear?

    That would disprove my theory.

    Until now if tried your Version a couple of times and always got a phen. after a couple of rooms. To me that theory is it - until proven different (very scientific approach..)

    ...and your manor in "nightmode" looked kind of scary ;-)

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  hawkeyegirl Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:57 pm

    I have also used your strategy, and it has also worked for me every time. I try to start with the rooms that I haven't explored lately, and I usually get a phenom within 4-5 rooms. Too bad it never ends up where I want it to! Very Happy

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  Admin Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:01 pm

    Make sure you search the rooms with phenomenon! I know I found corset in a different room than Bedroom (forgot which, though).

    Regarding the other method posted above with turning all rooms to night mode - there might be some truth to that method too! I'll post my numbers on that when I do some more searching.


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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Phenomena don't go in the rooms with icons

    Post  basherdog Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:36 pm

    Of course - now with over 30 phenomenons and STILL not a single one in the Fortune Teller Room, I think the Neptune quest hates me. Crying or Very sad [/quote]

    I have to test your theory. It sounds good. Just wanted to say that I have NEVER seen a phenomenon in any room that asks for items to get in. My geek relative tells me that it is probably a software impossibility. That is why you can't get the mist to go into the fortune telling room. It CAN'T. Find the Neptune in the bathroom in mist mode. That is what I've been told by many people who have found it by accident.

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  Admin Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:03 am

    Sadly, it never appeared in the Bathroom either. Still Sad

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  engineer Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:34 am

    hawkeyegirl wrote:I have also used your strategy, and it has also worked for me every time. I try to start with the rooms that I haven't explored lately, and I usually get a phenom within 4-5 rooms. Too bad it never ends up where I want it to! Very Happy

    Yep, I've tried it a few times as well. I've gotten a phenomenon every time. I still think that night-mode thing is a red herring--but hey, it's not my energy.

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  hawkeyegirl Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:26 pm

    I'm going to start keeping track of which room appears to be the "trigger" room in an attempt to determine whether it's random, or whether they cycle through them.

    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  Guest Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:14 pm

    Just explored the African room three times in a a willow the wisp in the living room on the second go, and mist in the African room after the third exploration....I'm beginning to think its all depressing lol!!

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  Trekker Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:27 pm

    Well, this may be entirely coincidental, but of all my rooms, only one doesn't have tips in it, and that's the living room. And guess which room has a phenomenon...the living room. Coincidence?

    EDIT: Yep, it was coincidence, as another phenomenon just appeared in the kitchen, and that had tips in it.

    So much for that theory. Though...I'm noticing that second phenomenon seemed to appear very quickly, as I haven't dealt with the first one yet. Maybe if you don't attack them right away, they multiply...

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  Admin Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:17 am

    So, as many of my manor visitors know - I've been living in the dark for about a week testing out the 'all dark manor' theory.

    Here are my thoughts:
    1. It doesn't appear to work any better than the method I described on the first page of this thread.
    2. I did get phenomenons doing fewer than 16 rooms each time.
    3. I still believe there are trigger rooms - neglected rooms seem to bring out phenomenons
    4. Maybe it is possible that the trigger room changes if the trigger room isn't searched in X amount of time, whatever X is.

    Here's my conclusion:
    1. All this testing, and nothing conclusive. Sad

    Here's my recommendation:
    1. If you are doing quests that require phenomenons, just use my method. It appears to work relatively well.

    [Tired of the dark! Going to put all my rooms into normal mode now!]

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  LaVentosa Thu May 10, 2012 2:27 pm

    Admin wrote:[Tired of the dark! Going to put all my rooms into normal mode now!]

    I need your advise as you are obviously a master of the dark side Wink

    I need a dark kitchen for the banana-quest (why in heavens it has to be dark no one knows...)
    so: Is there a good way to change the room in question into "nightmode" other than exploring it until the lights go out? Smile

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  Admin Fri May 11, 2012 12:03 am

    LaVentosa wrote:
    Admin wrote:[Tired of the dark! Going to put all my rooms into normal mode now!]

    I need your advise as you are obviously a master of the dark side Wink

    I need a dark kitchen for the banana-quest (why in heavens it has to be dark no one knows...)
    so: Is there a good way to change the room in question into "nightmode" other than exploring it until the lights go out? Smile

    Unfortunately, that is the only way. Just search it a few times - it'll turn into Night mode randomly.

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  pianofingers Fri May 11, 2012 9:01 am

    Btw, if you decide to banish a phenomenon with a weapon (tesla coil, illuminati lamp, etc), don't forget to use a Helper. A Scientist is best, because you can see how much additional experience you get when using that helper.

    What's great is that you can use the Helper for free, he won't go to sleep or return to the manor after you use him. But you can see that you earned the extra experience points if you take note of your experience count before and after banishing, and do the math. Smile

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  Admin Fri May 18, 2012 10:46 pm

    I just searched 32 rooms (full set of rooms, twice) with not a single phenomenon appearing. What's going on? Sad

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  pianofingers Fri May 18, 2012 11:25 pm

    Yes, that is strange. Usually after I search 4 or 5 different rooms in succession, a phenomenon appears somewhere.

    Do you have any luck charms running? Such as Faithful, Turtle, Cornucopia, Astronaut, or all together even. I found that doing so also increases the chances of phenomena appearing, just like it increases the chances of getting containers/batteries when visiting friends.

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  LaVentosa Tue May 22, 2012 4:56 am

    I searched the full set of rooms too - without getting a phenomenon. And I need them for several quests!
    Perhaps they changed something in the last update?

    I didn't use a turtle though.

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    How to bring out Phenomena Empty Re: How to bring out Phenomena

    Post  Admin Wed May 23, 2012 12:49 am

    Just as a little update - it took me 39 rooms to bring out on phenomenon. I, too, wasn't using a turtle - just a Golden Clover.

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