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    Gifting reset


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    Gifting reset Empty Gifting reset

    Post  Annie Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:26 am

    I know that someone has already asked this question, but I can't find it or the answer...How long does it take for the gift counter to reset?I know that mine is taking longer and longer. It used to reset at 5 pm. It is now 11:30 pm and it has still not reset. Can anyone help me understand how this part of the game works? Also, the time I receive the notice recognizing that I logged in for another day does not jive with my gift counter. I'm primarily interested in knowing if I am doing something to cause this. Thanks.

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    Gifting reset Empty Re: Gifting reset

    Post  Admin Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:37 am

    Please refer to this thread:

    Also, sometimes, it doesn't automatically reset. If you know the timer has passed, simply minimize the game, then go back in. It'll then give you the daily timer reset notification.

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    Gifting reset Empty Re: Gifting reset

    Post  Annie Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:01 am

    I actually shut off my iPad and restarted and that didn't help. Does the reset start at the same time every day or is it based on the first time I send a gift for the day? I have wall requests that are going to expire Sad

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    Gifting reset Empty Re: Gifting reset

    Post  Admin Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:04 am

    It does not reset at the same time every day.

    It depends on what time you visit your friend and send a gift that counts towards your Free Gift limit.

    Let's say your gift timer resets at noon.

    At 1pm you send a wall gift (not counted towards free limit).

    At 2pm you send a gift from your Gift window, or from a friend's manor.
    2pm is now your new timer.

    The next day, your gift timer will reset at 2pm.
    If at 2pm your gift counter does not reset to 0, reopen the app.


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    Gifting reset Empty Re: Gifting reset

    Post  pianofingers Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:02 am

    The counter starts ticking exactly at the time you send your first gift of the day. You have 24 hours to send all your gifts. 24 hours later, the counter resets. It's very exact, down to the precise minute and second.

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    Gifting reset Empty Re: Gifting reset

    Post  karen_ni Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:20 am

    Some people are sending me several gifts a day. Sometimes up to 8 gifts daily. How are they able to do this?

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    Gifting reset Empty Re: Gifting reset

    Post  pianofingers Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:16 am

    You can drop the gift counter with diamonds. I've done this a lot so that I can gift my friends several times a day.

    Or sometimes I send a gift right before my counter resets, and then after it resets I send another one, so it seems like I send them one after another. Sometimes I send a collection item in addition to the charging item, so it seems like a lot of gifts.

    Also, if you gift from the wall, it doesn't count against the gift counter. So I can gift you once from the wall, and then go to my gift window, and gift you the same thing again.

    Posts : 43
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    Gifting reset Empty Re: Gifting reset

    Post  Annie Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:41 am

    Thanks for the info - this helps!


    Gifting reset Empty Re: Gifting reset

    Post  Guest Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:12 am

    I always leave my gift counter at 49. That way you can still send freebie gifts from your wall while waiting for the counter to reset!

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