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    Using diamonds to drop gift counter.


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    Using diamonds to drop gift counter. Empty Using diamonds to drop gift counter.

    Post  JazzLamb Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:36 am

    I was trying to send my friend a collection item gift. My fat finger sent the wrong one. If I drop counter with 10 diamonds, will I be able to send my same friend the correct collection item? I have been told both ways.


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    Using diamonds to drop gift counter. Empty Re: Using diamonds to drop gift counter.

    Post  JenMomma5476 Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:43 am

    If you pay to reset the gift counter, it is like having a clean slate. You will be able to send 10 more gifts to whomever you please. Even if you have previously sent them one.

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    Using diamonds to drop gift counter. Empty Re: Using diamonds to drop gift counter.

    Post  JazzLamb Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:26 am

    JenMomma5476 wrote:If you pay to reset the gift counter, it is like having a clean slate. You will be able to send 10 more gifts to whomever you please. Even if you have previously sent them one.


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    Using diamonds to drop gift counter. Empty Re: Using diamonds to drop gift counter.

    Post  Shadowcat Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:24 am

    I tried dropping my counter at one point, trying to collect all those soup, fillet, alcohol, but only the counter for free gifts dropped for me. I thought maybe I needed to be on the collection gift page for it to reset? Does it really drop both counters for one payment?

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    Using diamonds to drop gift counter. Empty Counter Reset

    Post  WaccaWacca! Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:58 am

    Shadowcat wrote:I tried dropping my counter at one point, trying to collect all those soup, fillet, alcohol, but only the counter for free gifts dropped for me. I thought maybe I needed to be on the collection gift page for it to reset? Does it really drop both counters for one payment?

    I do believe you have to pay 10 diamonds for each - you do not have to do both - but if you want to drop the charger counter you have to pay for that too.


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    Using diamonds to drop gift counter. Empty Re: Using diamonds to drop gift counter.

    Post  Mbstr8k Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:20 pm

    WaccaWacca! wrote:
    Shadowcat wrote:I tried dropping my counter at one point, trying to collect all those soup, fillet, alcohol, but only the counter for free gifts dropped for me. I thought maybe I needed to be on the collection gift page for it to reset? Does it really drop both counters for one payment?

    I do believe you have to pay 10 diamonds for each - you do not have to do both - but if you want to drop the charger counter you have to pay for that too.

    You are correct:-). 10 diamonds to drop each one. Learned that lesson early on the hard way. Thought I was dropping collection counter, but was on the charger page. I dropped the charger page...BEFORE I'd sent my 50. What a waste that was... Neutral

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    Using diamonds to drop gift counter. Empty Re: Using diamonds to drop gift counter.

    Post  Chickenchick111 Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:02 am

    I did way worse....didn't realise there were two counters. Was visiting someone who id agreed a trade on a parrot with, they'd sent the item I needed and when I was there I was trying to send parrot but had had a good run on the soup and fillets helping people out, came to send the parrot by clicking friends gift tab, parrot was in wish list on first menu with the free chargers.....pressed to send, maxed out, pressed to drop diamonds, still wouldn't let me send, dropped diamonds again...this went on for 100 friggin diamonds as I hadn't realised it dropped the charger counter only. So after a lot of diamonds used up I figured id got to swap and try to send prolly parrot from the collection screen and drop my counter there.....meh.....must be an Indian blue parrot from the cost Wink mind you, when I find something out in life, it's only the things with the harsh story of my personal thickness in that stick in the mind lol,and not ones where I just go 'oh right that's done then' .....still reeling from my splurge of jewels now....*sick belly feeling* ;-)

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    Using diamonds to drop gift counter. Empty Re: Using diamonds to drop gift counter.

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