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    Gift Items


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    Gift Items Empty Gift Items

    Post  Trekker Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:01 pm

    It seems like I keep coming up with questions. Smile

    I've had a couple of friends ask for charging items that don't show up in my Choose a Gift, but if I have extra in my inventory, I'll send them anyway, figuring I can get more. But my inventory count never changed. Is it possible that they are available as free gifts anyway, I just can't see them? They were a silver needle and Messing's Watch. I used to see them in my gift list, but they're not there anymore. I'm at level 29.

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    Gift Items Empty Re: Gift Items

    Post  Admin Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:08 pm

    Yes, your list of 'free gift' items changes weekly. Even if you don't see it on the list, you can still give it if requested. They are still free as long as you have it unlocked and reached the level requirement.

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    Gift Items Empty Re: Gift Items

    Post  Trekker Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:25 pm

    Admin wrote:Yes, your list of 'free gift' items changes weekly. Even if you don't see it on the list, you can still give it if requested. They are still free as long as you have it unlocked and reached the level requirement.

    They change weekly? But my list is always the same. The only time it has ever changed was when we'd get a game update or when I restarted my iPad this last time.

    I didn't have the silver needle or Messing's watch in my list when I sent them to my friends, but it looks like they were gifted anyway, since it didn't cause my inventory count to change. Does this mean that any unlocked gifts that were in my list before, can be sent, even though they don't show up in the list now?

    Gift Items Empty Re: Gift Items

    Post  Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:28 pm

    As long as you meet the level requirements any gift off of your wall is free.

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    Gift Items Empty Re: Gift Items

    Post  Admin Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:58 pm

    Trekker wrote:
    Admin wrote:Yes, your list of 'free gift' items changes weekly. Even if you don't see it on the list, you can still give it if requested. They are still free as long as you have it unlocked and reached the level requirement.

    They change weekly? But my list is always the same. The only time it has ever changed was when we'd get a game update or when I restarted my iPad this last time.

    I didn't have the silver needle or Messing's watch in my list when I sent them to my friends, but it looks like they were gifted anyway, since it didn't cause my inventory count to change. Does this mean that any unlocked gifts that were in my list before, can be sent, even though they don't show up in the list now?

    Hm... I don't think they all change. Some of them change. Last week, I was able to gift drills, but this week, I can gift vacuum tubes. I read somewhere that they change every week, but perhaps that is inaccurate - but they do change from time to time.

    Gift Items Empty Re: Gift Items

    Post  Guest Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:08 am

    It seems like they change as you level up. Not every time though. Just one more mystery for the manor Very Happy

    So my gift list just changed but I didn't level up. Completed one quest and it turned into 5 other quests complete. Then made funny sound. 20 minutes later I discover different stuff. scratch

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    Gift Items Empty Mystery gifts and gift wall

    Post  Mbstr8k Thu Mar 22, 2012 9:22 am

    Admin wrote:Yes, your list of 'free gift' items changes weekly. Even if you don't see it on the list, you can still give it if requested. They are still free as long as you have it unlocked and reached the level requirement.

    Please clarify for me.... I was able to send möbius bows from my free wall (it appeared there), this week they aren't on the wall..... If someone requests via a wall message I can still send, but if they have it on their wish list and I hit it, doesn' t that come out of my own inventory?

    Other gift questions:
    I send wall requests for vacuum tubes, etc to people who have already reached the level to open those gifts on their free wall, is that the best strategy for acquiring those items? Problem is, I have no friends who are level 99 -- how do I get those items?
    Btw, I have duct tape on my wall of gifts even though the store says you can't get it as a gift. I've sent quite a few to people who I know their lab isn't.

    If you leave a friend a tip, when they use it do you get a mystery gift? I know I get one when I send a gift and they hit thank.


    Gift Items Empty Re: Gift Items

    Post  Guest Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:09 am

    Requests on your wall have nothing to do with what you see in your gift list. If you are the right level you can gift anything from your wall without it being withdrawn from your own personal inventory.

    Yes, the best way to acquire items is to request it from a friends wall. Leaving it in your wishlist is not enough because it takes a long time for people to go through their friends, look at their wishlist, and gift appropriately. Also, those friends may not have your wishlist items in their personal gift list...make sense? By requesting on someone's wall, if they are the right level, they can gift you that item no matter what it is.

    For level 99 items you can either hope someone not level 99 has extras, banish certain creatures to get the item (xenophage for ac), or buy the item. I personally bought the air conditioners. Duct tape is just anthr screw up with the game.

    Tips have nothing to do with mystery gifts. When a friend sends you a gift, after you accept it you can thank them. Thanking them sends that mystery gift.

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    Gift Items Empty Re: Gift Items

    Post  Admin Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:28 pm

    I believe even if a player has extra charge items, if they do not meet the level requirement to give that item, they cannot give it.

    I have rubber gloves (level 99). I've tried to give that to a friend on his wish list, but it told me level 99 is required.

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    Gift Items Empty Re: Gift Items

    Post  Mbstr8k Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:44 am

    How is it that some friends can send me 4 gifts in one day--if it is NOT a collection item?

    I just got 4 shells from the same person. These are charging items so they are not found under "send collection" tab. The shell is not on my collection wish list either. I just sent one wall request for it.

    I can only send one gift a day to a friend whether it is from my "choose a gift" tab OR they've requested something via my wall. I get the message "you can only send one gift a day" when I try to send from both.

    So, is there a level you have to be to send out multiple gifts? If so, what is it? I really want to thank the people who are truly helping me!

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    Gift Items Empty Re: Gift Items

    Post  Martino Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:51 am

    It takes a bit of mathematics, but depending on what time lies between certain moments of resetting of counters of giver and receiver the following can be the case;
    1) As a requester you request just before resetting of your counters (=Item 1)
    2) As a requester you request direct after resetting of your counters (=Item 2)
    There are now in a short time distance 2 Requests on the givers wall. Those can be gifted 'for free' (ie, the gift counter doesn't change since the last update)
    3) When the giver first 'clears' his/her wall, he/she can give one more to the same friend if the item is on the giftlist (=Item 3)
    4) If the giver resets the counter after this (costing 10 diamonds, I don't think many people would do that), theoretically 1 more gift can be sent (=Item 4).

    If you wait long enough to collect the gifts (or giver resets once more(!?)) more gifts can be sent of course, but I think you meant that you got the 4 just after each other...

    Conclusion; it is possible that according to our understanding of the 'rules' of this mysterious game you get 4 items in one day, but not very likely without resetting of counters on part of the giver.
    3 items is ealisly possible, if you request just before and after the reset times and the giver has that item on his/her giftlist.
    The fact that you got 4 (in a row?) suggest that other 'rules' then '1 gift a day' may apply here. Why that is I can't explain or tell you.

    PS I don't think it depends on the level how much gifts you can send. But of course I'm also not completely sure of that either.

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    Gift Items Empty Re: Gift Items

    Post  engineer Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:13 pm

    Mbstr8k wrote:How is it that some friends can send me 4 gifts in one day--if it is NOT a collection item?

    I just got 4 shells from the same person. These are charging items so they are not found under "send collection" tab. The shell is not on my collection wish list either. I just sent one wall request for it.

    I can only send one gift a day to a friend whether it is from my "choose a gift" tab OR they've requested something via my wall. I get the message "you can only send one gift a day" when I try to send from both.

    So, is there a level you have to be to send out multiple gifts? If so, what is it? I really want to thank the people who are truly helping me!

    This has happened to me before too, and I think I've tracked it down to the server problems. I've sent collection items where the following has happened:
    1-Try to send collection item
    2-Internet problems error box pops up
    3-I check my collections, item is still there
    4-Send item again, no problems
    5-Hear back from friend that they received 2 collection items (when I only had 1 to give)

    I think somebody is trying to send an item and encounters the network problem and just keeps trying until it goes through on their end, and MM ends up sending multiple items.

    I don't think that what Martino described is happening unless it's several hours between you receiving the items, not one right after the other.

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    Gift Items Empty Re: Gift Items

    Post  Admin Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:27 pm

    engineer wrote:
    I think somebody is trying to send an item and encounters the network problem and just keeps trying until it goes through on their end, and MM ends up sending multiple items.

    You hit it on the head.


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    Gift Items Empty Re: Gift Items

    Post  Jillllll Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:51 pm

    Martino wrote:It takes a bit of mathematics, but depending on what time lies between certain moments of resetting of counters of giver and receiver the following can be the case;
    1) As a requester you request just before resetting of your counters (=Item 1)
    2) As a requester you request direct after resetting of your counters (=Item 2)
    There are now in a short time distance 2 Requests on the givers wall. Those can be gifted 'for free' (ie, the gift counter doesn't change since the last update)
    3) When the giver first 'clears' his/her wall, he/she can give one more to the same friend if the item is on the giftlist (=Item 3)
    4) If the giver resets the counter after this (costing 10 diamonds, I don't think many people would do that), theoretically 1 more gift can be sent (=Item 4).

    If you wait long enough to collect the gifts (or giver resets once more(!?)) more gifts can be sent of course, but I think you meant that you got the 4 just after each other...

    Conclusion; it is possible that according to our understanding of the 'rules' of this mysterious game you get 4 items in one day, but not very likely without resetting of counters on part of the giver.
    3 items is ealisly possible, if you request just before and after the reset times and the giver has that item on his/her giftlist.
    The fact that you got 4 (in a row?) suggest that other 'rules' then '1 gift a day' may apply here. Why that is I can't explain or tell you.

    PS I don't think it depends on the level how much gifts you can send. But of course I'm also not completely sure of that either.

    Also, if a friend requests an item on my wall, I can gift it, and then visit them and send the same gift even if it is not their gift list. I have unlocked the Lead Collar, so I have been giving two to everyone who asks.

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    Gift Items Empty Re: Gift Items

    Post  Mbstr8k Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:19 pm

    Thanks all...interesting takes on this.

    All 4 items came one after the other. One request was sent to her via her wall, never on my wish list. This isn't the first time I've gotten multiples, not that I'm complaining!!! cheers Very Happy

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    Gift Items Empty Gift items & Resetting Counter

    Post  PegWalt Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:47 am

    So, if I decide to reset the counter for 10 diamonds a few hours after the game resets it, does 24 hours start at that time and override the game's 24 hours. I wouldn't be doing this very often. But if I know I won't be in the game for several days, I don't like to miss gifting friends who ask and especially the good friends.

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    Gift Items Empty Re: Gift Items

    Post  Admin Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:09 pm

    If you pay the diamonds to reset your counter, the next gift you send (not from the wall) will be the new 'daily time'.

    For example, if your current timer is 1pm, and you reset at 2pm, and you send your first gift at 3pm, your timer will reset tomorrow at 3pm.

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