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    Cupid's Bow - can be requested?


    Posts : 969
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    Cupid's Bow - can be requested? Empty Cupid's Bow - can be requested?

    Post  Admin Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:11 pm

    I don't understand why some items, like Cupid's Bow, can not be requested from a friend.

    Besides putting it on your Wishlist, how else do you get them?

    Cupid's Bow - can be requested? Empty Re: Cupid's Bow - can be requested?

    Post  Guest Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:42 pm

    The only other way I've found is by banishing the Cupid snatchins. But you have to have golden hearts to banish and those rarely drop so you have to spend a diamond a piece. I think it is a way to try and force players to spend real money on diamonds which I refuse to do.

    Posts : 969
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    Cupid's Bow - can be requested? Empty Re: Cupid's Bow - can be requested?

    Post  Admin Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:53 pm

    sfinley ibrahim wrote:The only other way I've found is by banishing the Cupid snatchins. But you have to have golden hearts to banish and those rarely drop so you have to spend a diamond a piece. I think it is a way to try and force players to spend real money on diamonds which I refuse to do.

    I agree. I think many more players would be willing to spend money on the game if Game Insight actually offers adequate support AND upgrade their servers and network. Right now, it's a test of patience to play the game due to their infrastructure.

    Customer service matters!


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    Cupid's Bow - can be requested? Empty Re: Cupid's Bow - can be requested?

    Post  sjwriter Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:55 am

    I agree too. And the thing I hate most is that the connectivity issues are for sure due to the inadequacy of servers, but GI just amend the return message to make players think that it is the problem on users' side.

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    Cupid's Bow - can be requested? Empty Re: Cupid's Bow - can be requested?

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