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    requested gifts/ helpers/ profession/ unlock rooms


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    MM Name : brasil

    requested gifts/ helpers/  profession/ unlock rooms Empty requested gifts/ helpers/ profession/ unlock rooms

    Post  brasil Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:20 pm

    Hi.. im kind of new on this game and i didnt get some things yet:

    1)If i click the button gift in my wall will the person who requested the gift receive it and i lose it?

    2)who are my helpers? can i choose them? and who am i helper?

    3)how do i know my profession?

    4)to unlock some rooms i have to always buy the key or can i find the key instead?

    5)can i request collections items, not only the ones that charge collections?

    thanks :)


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    requested gifts/ helpers/  profession/ unlock rooms Empty Re: requested gifts/ helpers/ profession/ unlock rooms

    Post  Admin Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:41 pm


    1)If i click the button gift in my wall will the person who requested the gift receive it and i lose it?

    Most Wall item requests are free-gift items. You can give free-gift items if you reach the level required to gift it (or you can pay diamonds to unlock a free-gift item which gives you the ability to gift that item without meeting the level requirement).

    Recently, the Easter Eggs appeared on the Wall. When you click an Egg, you do lose it. Also, some players have received Wall request for charged collection items. You also lose those. It is best to delete those messages.

    2)who are my helpers? can i choose them? and who am i helper?

    Your helpers are your first 10+ friends. You are a help to a friend if you are one of their first friends.

    3)how do i know my profession?

    You have to ask a friend who knows it. You can go to their room, leave them tips, then ask them what your profession is.

    4)to unlock some rooms i have to always buy the key or can i find the key instead?

    Yes, you must pay for the keys.

    5)can i request collections items, not only the ones that charge collections?

    You cannot request collection items. You may only put them on your wishlist.

    Welcome to the forums Very Happy

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    MM Name : brasil

    requested gifts/ helpers/  profession/ unlock rooms Empty Re: requested gifts/ helpers/ profession/ unlock rooms

    Post  brasil Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:56 pm

    ohh i see

    thanks a lot :)

    Posts : 969
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    MM Name : rainkid

    requested gifts/ helpers/  profession/ unlock rooms Empty Re: requested gifts/ helpers/ profession/ unlock rooms

    Post  Admin Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:01 pm

    You're welcome. Let us know if you have any other questions!

    (Most questions are answered in this forum already, look around!) Very Happy

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    MM Name : ycul

    requested gifts/ helpers/  profession/ unlock rooms Empty ? for rainkid

    Post  ycul Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:43 am

    regarding the - Wall requests for charged collection items. I have had two of them so far. One was the suitcase full of clothes and the 2nd the ikebana. Now I don't have either of those collections finished and at the time I did not know what they were. I gifted them and I did not get a not able to gift message. Will they be taken from me at the time when I do charge that collection? Just got me wondering now.

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    requested gifts/ helpers/  profession/ unlock rooms Empty Re: requested gifts/ helpers/ profession/ unlock rooms

    Post  Admin Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:57 am

    No, you will not lose the item if you gift it when you have none.

    It is just like the Easter Eggs. When they appear on your wall, and you gift it, you lose one from inventory if you have one. If you don't have one, you can still gift it and the receiver will still get it.

    This is just my best guess. I haven't gotten any Wall requests for charged items. Maybe I'm lucky.

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    MM Name : LaVentosa

    requested gifts/ helpers/  profession/ unlock rooms Empty Re: requested gifts/ helpers/ profession/ unlock rooms

    Post  LaVentosa Wed Apr 11, 2012 9:54 am

    Admin wrote:
    2)who are my helpers? can i choose them? and who am i helper?

    Your helpers are your first 10+ friends. You are a help to a friend if you are one of their first friends.

    Being a helper somhow makes them dear to our hearts, doesn't it? I love you
    Well, at least I know I like to see myself as helper for someone.
    Do you know what happens, if I deleted one of my helpers (a Sleeper) as friend?
    I would probably lose him as helper too, but will I get a new one? As I don't know which one would preced him, I might jump from the frying pan into the fire (and get a non-sleeper highlvl banker, that I dont want to delete... Rolling Eyes )

    I'm also wondering, because I'm not so sure the seen game numbers of friends like actual energy lvl, strength or rep lvl can be trusted. I.e. Sleepers - I do have some that obviously stopped playing at very early lvls, but sometimes I see a low Energy lvl on them.
    although I of course could delete them, I sometimes find it is practical to have the "early" snatchins or else at hand.

    Thx for the great forum btw! I have been playing a while now and until I found it it was all try and error...

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    MM Name : ycul

    requested gifts/ helpers/  profession/ unlock rooms Empty charged items as gifts.

    Post  ycul Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:03 am

    I wonder how they even request a charged item. Does anyone know the answer to this? I could use some hyperboloids to squash UFO's in my rooms.

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    requested gifts/ helpers/  profession/ unlock rooms Empty Re: requested gifts/ helpers/ profession/ unlock rooms

    Post  Mbstr8k Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:17 am

    LaVentosa wrote:
    Admin wrote:
    2)who are my helpers? can i choose them? and who am i helper?

    Your helpers are your first 10+ friends. You are a help to a friend if you are one of their first friends.

    Being a helper somhow makes them dear to our hearts, doesn't it? I love you
    Well, at least I know I like to see myself as helper for someone.
    Do you know what happens, if I deleted one of my helpers (a Sleeper) as friend?
    I would probably lose him as helper too, but will I get a new one? As I don't know which one would preced him, I might jump from the frying pan into the fire (and get a non-sleeper highlvl banker, that I dont want to delete... Rolling Eyes )

    I'm also wondering, because I'm not so sure the seen game numbers of friends like actual energy lvl, strength or rep lvl can be trusted. I.e. Sleepers - I do have some that obviously stopped playing at very early lvls, but sometimes I see a low Energy lvl on them.
    although I of course could delete them, I sometimes find it is practical to have the "early" snatchins or else at hand.

    Thx for the great forum btw! I have been playing a while now and until I found it it was all try and error...

    Your next helper will be the next friend whose manor follows the last manor of all your helpers. All your helpers are neighbors. If you want to know who the next helper is visit one helper then click the next manor to the right and so on until you reach the last helper's manor you already have. The next manor is owned by who would be your next helper. Look at their profession under their description. That is the kind of hints they will leave you and what kind of helper they would be for you. As for percentage, look at their level, that'll give you a hint.

    As for will you get a new helper if you delete one..... I did, but not right away. It took awhile before he was replaced.

    Another note: I just got a brand new helper when I hit level 35. I hadn't deleted anyone.

    Posts : 363
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    Friend Code : 0e337f
    MM Name : LaVentosa

    requested gifts/ helpers/  profession/ unlock rooms Empty Re: requested gifts/ helpers/ profession/ unlock rooms

    Post  LaVentosa Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:03 pm

    Mbstr8k wrote:

    Your next helper will be the next friend whose manor follows the last manor of all your helpers. All your helpers are neighbors. If you want to know who the next helper is visit one helper then click the next manor to the right and so on until you reach the last helper's manor you already have. The next manor is owned by who would be your next helper.

    Look at their profession under their description. That is the kind of hints they will leave you and what kind of helper they would be for you. As for percentage, look at their level, that'll give you a hint.

    As for will you get a new helper if you delete one..... I did, but not right away. It took awhile before he was replaced.

    Another note: I just got a brand new helper when I hit level 35. I hadn't deleted anyone.

    Thx a lot ! I didn't think of that. I guess I will have a closer look at the order of my friends when I go visiting.
    Yes, I got a new one at lvl 35 as well and I suppose it happens every once in a while at lvl up as I saw friends with 15 helpers..

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