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    Unlocking high level gifts using diamonds


    Posts : 2
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    Unlocking high level gifts using diamonds Empty Unlocking high level gifts using diamonds

    Post  serprice Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:41 am

    Hey - just created an account, yay! Does the high level gifts rotate in and out if you do not open them by paying 30 diamonds? Meaning, I opened the rapiers this time, but not the whistles. Will i get another opportunity to open them before I hit level 99? Thanaks so much Smile

    Posts : 483
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    Unlocking high level gifts using diamonds Empty Re: Unlocking high level gifts using diamonds

    Post  Mbstr8k Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:55 am

    serprice wrote:Hey - just created an account, yay! Does the high level gifts rotate in and out if you do not open them by paying 30 diamonds? Meaning, I opened the rapiers this time, but not the whistles. Will i get another opportunity to open them before I hit level 99? Thanaks so much Smile

    Yes, you will. There is no rhyme or reason to the rotation though. It might be next week, or several weeks before they rotate back in. I had my gift wall change twice in a 24 hour period. I wasn't happy because, I finally got things to gift for the African room and they rotated them out in 24 hours! Now, I have to wait for people to ask for them on my wall or post on their wish list. My gift wall is boring at the moment....:-(

    Posts : 2
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    Join date : 2012-04-27

    Unlocking high level gifts using diamonds Empty Re: Unlocking high level gifts using diamonds

    Post  serprice Fri Apr 27, 2012 4:30 pm

    Mbstr8k wrote:
    serprice wrote:Hey - just created an account, yay! Does the high level gifts rotate in and out if you do not open them by paying 30 diamonds? Meaning, I opened the rapiers this time, but not the whistles. Will i get another opportunity to open them before I hit level 99? Thanaks so much Smile

    Yes, you will. There is no rhyme or reason to the rotation though. It might be next week, or several weeks before they rotate back in. I had my gift wall change twice in a 24 hour period. I wasn't happy because, I finally got things to gift for the African room and they rotated them out in 24 hours! Now, I have to wait for people to ask for them on my wall or post on their wish list. My gift wall is boring at the moment....:-(

    Great! Thanks for the reply...yeah my wall is pretty boring too ha

    Posts : 262
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    Join date : 2012-04-05

    Unlocking high level gifts using diamonds Empty Re: Unlocking high level gifts using diamonds

    Post  pianofingers Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:03 pm

    If you get a chance to unlock a L99 gift with diamonds, do so right away. You might not get a chance again until several weeks later, and you might regret not having unlocked it when you had the opportunity. Smile

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