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    Time is relative.....


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    Time is relative..... Empty Time is relative.....

    Post  LaVentosa Thu May 10, 2012 7:07 am

    And another gimmick from my TurtleTour yesterday.
    Guys... sometimes im fast. really fast. like.... 20 Seconds in the kitchen DO happen.
    But im not THAT fast. pirat

    Time is relative..... Foto-110

    Time is relative..... Empty Re: Time is relative.....

    Post  Guest Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:05 pm

    Wow you are fast! Laughing

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    Time is relative..... Empty Re: Time is relative.....

    Post  SallyE Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:47 pm

    LaVentosa wrote:And another gimmick from my TurtleTour yesterday.
    Guys... sometimes im fast. really fast. like.... 20 Seconds in the kitchen DO happen.
    But im not THAT fast. pirat

    Time is relative..... Foto-110

    lol...thats funny

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    Time is relative..... Empty Re: Time is relative.....

    Post  engineer Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:28 pm

    It's easy to get 0 second times when you use a time freeze!

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    Time is relative..... Empty Re: Time is relative.....

    Post  LaVentosa Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:27 pm

    engineer wrote:It's easy to get 0 second times when you use a time freeze!
    I didn't. To get a 0 with a time freeze you'd have to use them until you were finished, no? That would be about 2 for me at that stage - mostly I needed not fully a minute searching the library, I think.
    I've never used those timetools a lot - snails or the freeze- I seldom have need of it - and if, I use it only in the last minute.
    No, this one definitely was a bug Wink

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    Time is relative..... Empty Re: Time is relative.....

    Post  engineer Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:41 pm

    LaVentosa wrote:
    engineer wrote:It's easy to get 0 second times when you use a time freeze!
    I didn't. To get a 0 with a time freeze you'd have to use them until you were finished, no? That would be about 2 for me at that stage - mostly I needed not fully a minute searching the library, I think.
    I've never used those timetools a lot - snails or the freeze- I seldom have need of it - and if, I use it only in the last minute.
    No, this one definitely was a bug Wink
    Well I frequently use just one and then it shows up as no time used. I have no doubts it could be a bug, I'm just saying that's another way to get that result.

    Posts : 363
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    MM Name : LaVentosa

    Time is relative..... Empty Re: Time is relative.....

    Post  LaVentosa Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:36 am

    engineer wrote:Well I frequently use just one and then it shows up as no time used. I have no doubts it could be a bug, I'm just saying that's another way to get that result.
    Ah, I see! Well, as I can't swear I didn't use one in that search, it might have been as you said then.
    nevermind - it's just funny Very Happy

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