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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

4 posters

    "please don't tap the fruit..."


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    MM Name : LaVentosa

    "please don't tap the fruit..." Empty "please don't tap the fruit..."

    Post  LaVentosa Thu May 10, 2012 2:18 pm

    I read it somewhere, but couldn't find it anymore:
    Obviously I'm not the only one to see objects in real life that leave me blinking for a "Mystery Manor Moment". Last time I went to my Sushi place, I started laughing at that crab-nigiri. I do have a knife in the kitchen that looks exactly like the MM one, and I sure look differently at Jaybirds sitting on a tree in my garden Smile

    Posts : 969
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    MM Name : rainkid

    "please don't tap the fruit..." Empty Re: "please don't tap the fruit..."

    Post  Admin Fri May 11, 2012 12:30 am

    I have this brilliant plan of snapping a photo every time I see a MM search item in real life, posting it here, and having you crazies find the item. Might be fun! Perhaps we should start such a thread. Razz

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    Location : Indonesia and N.C. USA
    MM Name : ycul

    "please don't tap the fruit..." Empty Re: "please don't tap the fruit..."

    Post  ycul Sun May 13, 2012 2:15 am

    Sounds like fun! cheers

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    Location : East coast
    MM Name : Charlotte

    "please don't tap the fruit..." Empty Re: "please don't tap the fruit..."

    Post  Mbstr8k Mon May 14, 2012 12:09 pm

    Admin wrote:I have this brilliant plan of snapping a photo every time I see a MM search item in real life, posting it here, and having you crazies find the item. Might be fun! Perhaps we should start such a thread. Razz

    Now that is just cruel! lol!

    Reminds me of the dog in the Disney movie UP.....when I see a mm item, I'm like "squirrel!"

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    "please don't tap the fruit..." Empty Re: "please don't tap the fruit..."

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