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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards


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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  Mbstr8k Mon May 21, 2012 11:12 pm

    Here is a guide to the 28 New MM Achievements. What you have to do to earn each ribbon and the reward you receive. It is small type because the pdf had to be converted to a gif. (Thank you Admin.) Open the PDF below for a much better (ie BIGGER) version!

    As always, it is a work in progress! There are some items missing because LaVentosa and I couldn't find anyone working on a particular ribbon when hunting 100s of other manors. Please, let us know if you are working on a ribbon level that we do not have the information for here. Mostly ribbon levels #4 and #5. We need the name of the level, Task to complete, and reward given. If it is a chest, please provide the chest name and its contents. :-D

    Also, please note, when the pop-up appears after earning a new ribbon, the icon shown is note necessarily the reward you were just given. People have been shown chests, but there are no chests in their inventory. Look at the list below to see what items you did receive. :-D

    Here is a link to the PDF version so you can download it and read it better!!:

    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Achievements

    Last edited by Mbstr8k on Tue May 22, 2012 10:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  kelkel16 Mon May 21, 2012 11:30 pm

    Amazing work! Thank you!

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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  Admin Mon May 21, 2012 11:57 pm

    Thanks to all those who contributed to this guide alien

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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  kelkel16 Tue May 22, 2012 12:16 am

    So I just got a pop up for exporting room with mist 50 times. Gift: gold chest

    But... Never made it to my inventory!! I've noticed that a few times. The reward never makes it into my inventory!

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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  engineer Tue May 22, 2012 12:34 am

    kelkel16 wrote:So I just got a pop up for exporting room with mist 50 times. Gift: gold chest

    But... Never made it to my inventory!! I've noticed that a few times. The reward never makes it into my inventory!
    Actually that chest isn't the reward. I'm working on it now and the reward is 30 batteries. It's a glitch when the "reward" screen pops up that it shows the final prize, not the one you just received.

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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  LaVentosa Tue May 22, 2012 3:32 am

    @MB - That looks much better than the first spreadsheet I sent you! Thanks a lot!

    I think I'm going to open some of my chests tonight, so we can fill out that part as well

    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  Guest Tue May 22, 2012 9:54 pm

    For the last achievement, Bookwormcatcher, you have to catch 3 snatchins and you receive the illuminati lamp.

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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  Mbstr8k Tue May 22, 2012 10:24 pm

    kmad004 wrote:For the last achievement, Bookwormcatcher, you have to catch 3 snatchins and you receive the illuminati lamp.

    Good catch KMAD....thought I had included that was one of the last ones I saw on a person who was only at level 4 (!). I wonder if I forgot to put in the other two I found in that same search....I'll have to check.

    Updates will take place after we get quite a few additions, since it is quite bothersome to do the conversions necessary.

    Please keep the updates coming!

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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Minor update

    Post  Mbstr8k Wed May 23, 2012 11:26 pm

    If you have printed the PDF, you can add the following :

    #12 witch's curse (pix of wizard). Ribbon #5 requires you to explore 200x rooms with the wotch's curse. I do no know the reward though.

    #13 name is Translator (pix of book)

    #23 welcome guest (pix of balloons). Ribbon #5 among their own. Receive 1000x bonuses from visiting friends. Reward: detective's chest, golden chest, and hearty dinner

    Anyone know what is in the golden chest or detective's chest? They may be different for each #5 ribbon


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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  engineer Thu May 24, 2012 10:39 am

    Mbstr8k wrote:If you have printed the PDF, you can add the following :

    #12 witch's curse (pix of wizard). Ribbon #5 requires you to explore 200x rooms with the wotch's curse. I do no know the reward though.

    #13 name is Translator (pix of book)

    #23 welcome guest (pix of balloons). Ribbon #5 among their own. Receive 1000x bonuses from visiting friends. Reward: detective's chest, golden chest, and hearty dinner

    Anyone know what is in the golden chest or detective's chest? They may be different for each #5 ribbon

    The golden chest always contains 9 collection items.

    I think the detective's chest is the one that contains 500 of all the "entry" items, but I'm not 100% on that one...

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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  LaVentosa Thu May 24, 2012 12:19 pm

    The contents of some of the chests:
    #Birthday Chest with 2nd ribbon: 2 magic magnets, 1 Tesla coil
    #Birthday Chest with 3rd ribbon: golden bomb, compass

    those two could be the other way 'round, I'm not quite sure, as I forgot to look before I got the second.

    #Life of the Party chest with 2nd ribbon: golden bomb, compass

    strange thing is that the Dynamo Machine's chest with the 5th ribbon says differently than what I see on the spreadsheet:
    golden chest, snatcher catchers chest, turtle of fortune


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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Good Photographer

    Post  EAPatterson Sat May 26, 2012 5:18 pm

    The second ribbon under good photographeis needs 10 (or 12, sorry) photos posted, but the reward is a sandwich. The 3rd ribbon is 25 photos posted to Facebook to earn 3 illuminati lamps.

    For those of you that really don't like posting these photos - I posted and then deleted the album. It's worked so far, but will post if that credit is somehow taken away.

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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  Mbstr8k Sat May 26, 2012 7:38 pm

    EAPatterson wrote:The second ribbon under good photographeis needs 10 (or 12, sorry) photos posted, but the reward is a sandwich. The 3rd ribbon is 25 photos posted to Facebook to earn 3 illuminati lamps.

    For those of you that really don't like posting these photos - I posted and then deleted the album. It's worked so far, but will post if that credit is somehow taken away.

    That sounds like a good strategy. I'll be anxious to see what you find out. I'm hesitant about posting any photos to FB.

    What is the name for the 3rd ribbon? I appreciate the info for this task, too!! :-).

    I take screen shots every time I fulfill a ribbon level. That way I can remember the details later.

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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  EAPatterson Sat May 26, 2012 9:17 pm

    EAPatterson wrote:

    What is the name for the 3rd ribbon? I appreciate the info for this task, too!! :-).

    I take screen shots every time I fulfill a ribbon level. That way I can remember the details later.

    The 3rd ribbon is called the Good Photographer.
    I love your idea of taking photos of the avhievements!

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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Photographer

    Post  EAPatterson Sat May 26, 2012 9:45 pm

    I liked the idea of taking photos of the achievements so well that I just did it and sent them all to Facebook. I was only 2 away from the next level, so I sent two more and then deleted them.. So far, the deleting is still working fine - no anti-achievements effects. I think I will leave the achievement photos on FB, it's not eating up my iPad's memory!

    The 4th ribbon is called

    Quality Photographer and it needs a total of 50 photos sent to Facebook (remember you've already sent them 25)

    The prize is 4 English Breakfasts


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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  karen_ni Sun May 27, 2012 9:59 pm

    I noticed that for Achievement #7 "Master of Shadows", the 3rd ribbon "Pro" should be "explore rooms in Silhouette mode 300 times" not 500 times!

    Thank you for doing this! It is so helpful!

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    Post  karen_ni Sun May 27, 2012 10:03 pm

    For Achievement #5 "Dunderhead" the 3rd ribbon is called "Dupe" and you have to have "250 explorations and all for nothing". The prize is a Blunderer's Chest with 2 Angry Idols.
    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  Dazza JP Tue May 29, 2012 9:42 am

    karen_ni wrote:For Achievement #5 "Dunderhead" the 3rd ribbon is called "Dupe" and you have to have "250 explorations and all for nothing". The prize is a Blunderer's Chest with 2 Angry Idols.

    The 4th ribbon on this is called "loser" and is for 500 failed explorations, prize is a blunderers chest containing 8 flares and a compass

    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  Guest Tue May 29, 2012 11:48 am

    Acheivement 4 Seeker of truth
    Explore 5000 rooms
    Explorers chest
    Detective chest, golden chest, hearty dinner.

    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  Guest Tue May 29, 2012 11:49 am

    Add me and check my achievements. I have many achievements you can use

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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  BittyBrain Tue May 29, 2012 9:05 pm

    engineer wrote:
    Mbstr8k wrote:

    Anyone know what is in the golden chest or detective's chest? They may be different for each #5 ribbon

    The golden chest always contains 9 collection items.

    I think the detective's chest is the one that contains 500 of all the "entry" items, but I'm not 100% on that one...

    The detective's chest I received had 500 each of Golden Seed, Golden Coral, Gravitron, Secret Container, and Golden Cannonballs.

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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  pianofingers Wed May 30, 2012 7:15 am

    The last level for Failed Explorations is "King of the Derelicts" and requires 2500 failures. Shocked The reward is nowhere worth the effort: one Golden Sun charm and 5 Golden Elephants. I think the developers are laughing behind our backs, taking bets on whether we're pathetic enough to try for this achievement!

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    Post  Mbstr8k Wed May 30, 2012 11:18 am

    pianofingers wrote:The last level for Failed Explorations is "King of the Derelicts" and requires 2500 failures. Shocked The reward is nowhere worth the effort: one Golden Sun charm and 5 Golden Elephants. I think the developers are laughing behind our backs, taking bets on whether we're pathetic enough to try for this achievement!

    Thank you for your sacrifice!:-).

    I agree, I think rewards like this and when they give runes and batteries as rewards are a joke.

    I think all we have left to fill out completely are the " buy a chest" ..... Not sure who would do that, since most of what is in a chest are collection items that you can easily get from trading or mystery gifts. Or at least that is what I've found.

    The Facebook challenge and the exploring rooms in various conditions are the other remaining achievements we need info for.......anyone reaching ribbons #3 and above, please note: NAME, qty, and reward.

    Thanks!! I'll update chart and to send to Admin this week. :-)

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    Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards Empty Re: Guide: Mystery Manor Achievements: Requirements and Rewards

    Post  pianofingers Thu May 31, 2012 12:24 am

    The third ribbon for buying chests is called "Allocator" and it requires you to have bought 31 chests. Reward is 2 Angry Idols.

    For opening chests, the 4th ribbon (Pro in treasures) requires you to have opened 625 chests, not 500 as listed in the chart.

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    Post  Mbstr8k Thu May 31, 2012 9:16 am

    pianofingers wrote:The third ribbon for buying chests is called "Allocator" and it requires you to have bought 31 chests. Reward is 2 Angry Idols.

    For opening chests, the 4th ribbon (Pro in treasures) requires you to have opened 625 chests, not 500 as listed in the chart.

    my ribbon says I must open 500 chests. That is on top of the 100 for the previous ribbon and the 25 for the first ribbon.....hence a final total of 625. You do get 8 bombs.

    As far as I can figure most, but not all, of the advancements do not give you credit for the totals you earned to achieve previous ribbons. This could be why an overall total to reach the next ribbon is more than the number required to search, open, banish, etc for a particular ribbon.

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