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    Night mode


    Posts : 248
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    MM Name : Sakura

    Night mode Empty Night mode

    Post  Sakura Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:08 pm

    Can somebody help me? Need to know if there is a way to change room into night mode.

    Night mode Empty Re: Night mode

    Post  Guest Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:10 pm

    Every time you search a room, the next mode it goes to is random. Just keep searching rooms.

    Posts : 248
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    MM Name : Sakura

    Night mode Empty Re: Night mode

    Post  Sakura Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:07 pm

    kmad004 wrote:Every time you search a room, the next mode it goes to is random. Just keep searching rooms.
    So the only way is keep searching the room and the problem is I have to explore the same room 15 times in the night mode. Well is gonna take a long way Sad

    Posts : 284
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    Night mode Empty Re: Night mode

    Post  engineer Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:13 pm

    Sakura wrote:
    kmad004 wrote:Every time you search a room, the next mode it goes to is random. Just keep searching rooms.
    So the only way is keep searching the room and the problem is I have to explore the same room 15 times in the night mode. Well is gonna take a long way Sad
    If this is for the bananas, or some other monkey related quest, I remember just buying those items. Then again, I was impatient. Use the infinite energy trick and I guarantee you'll be done in under 30 minutes Smile

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    MM Name : Elizabeth

    Night mode Empty Re: Night mode

    Post  Elizabeth0 Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:23 pm

    I bought the bananas too. I also had a quest for the margarita cocktail in the kitchen at the same time, but it needed mist or another phenomena. Needless to say, after 25 times exploring it hadn't gone to night mode or mist a single time. I even bought whatever it is that brings on a phenomena, but of course it went to the wrong room. So I gave up. I pulled up the friend synthesizer, took me about 5 mins and had enough diamonds to buy those blasted bananas cheers

    Posts : 248
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    Join date : 2012-05-22
    MM Name : Sakura

    Night mode Empty Re: Night mode

    Post  Sakura Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:02 am

    engineer wrote:
    Sakura wrote:
    kmad004 wrote:Every time you search a room, the next mode it goes to is random. Just keep searching rooms.
    So the only way is keep searching the room and the problem is I have to explore the same room 15 times in the night mode. Well is gonna take a long way Sad
    If this is for the bananas, or some other monkey related quest, I remember just buying those items. Then again, I was impatient. Use the infinite energy trick and I guarantee you'll be done in under 30 minutes Smile
    Yup this is for bananas quest unfortunately I know nothing about infinite energy trick ( so embarrassed) Sad. Can u tell me how?

    Posts : 363
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    MM Name : LaVentosa

    Night mode Empty Re: Night mode

    Post  LaVentosa Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:53 am

    well, I didn't buy the bananas, I just kept going to the kitchen. Other than these stupid oilcans you can actually find them - if you are not too impatient. It's doable.

    As for the energy recharge, there are several threads explaining those.
    For example here

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