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    Choose a gift list

    This Is Reality
    This Is Reality

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    Choose a gift list Empty Choose a gift list

    Post  This Is Reality Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:11 pm

    When or how often does the list of items that can be sent as free gifts change? It used to change, (or so I thought). I have been looking at the same list for over two weeks.

    Posts : 17
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    MM Name : Elizabeth

    Choose a gift list Empty Re: Choose a gift list

    Post  Elizabeth0 Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:15 pm

    Im currious about when it changes too. Mine has changed at varying times. Originally I thought it was when I leveled up, but then, like you, it sat stagnant for about 2 weeks even after several levels. Mine finally did change shortly after the update to include a few of the new charging items.
    On a side rant, I unlocked several items (coconuts, rubber gloves, ect) but they disappeared of my available gift list. I can still send them if someone requests them, or if I select it off someone's wish list. Feeling a bit ripped off that I can no longer gift these items whenever I choose. I want to give out never ending coconuts! Lol

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    Choose a gift list Empty Re: Choose a gift list

    Post  Admin Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:24 pm

    My personal experience is that the list rotates about every 2 weeks for me.

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