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3 posters

    How do you access the Facebook version?


    Posts : 13
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    MM Name : LN

    How do you access the Facebook version? Empty How do you access the Facebook version?

    Post  LN Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:45 pm

    I thought it would be interesting to try, but am not very Facebook savvy, especially with the games. How can I initiate the game? Can I play the same game as the one on my iPad?

    I would appreciate any help, or redirection if this information is already on the site.

    Also, a "thank you" to Admin, for putting this site together. It is so useful in scraping through this game! While I enjoy it (when it's working properly!) there are sure a lot of ins and outs to learn and navigate! Synthesizer is brilliant!

    Thank you.


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    How do you access the Facebook version? Empty Re: How do you access the Facebook version?

    Post  pianofingers Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:15 pm

    Here it is Smile

    Just click on the "Play Game" button
    then Allow the app the permissions it needs.

    The Facebook version is a separate game from the iPad version.
    There's no way to interact or share accounts between them.
    Addicted Unbanned
    Addicted Unbanned

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    How do you access the Facebook version? Empty Sorry! Help to know other link

    Post  Addicted Unbanned Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:49 am

    Is this some bad malware where I could have been banned for?
    What about MM ON FB with red cap on the guy? Is this some bullshit cheater version? Pease help!
    I want to be unbanned!

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    How do you access the Facebook version? Empty Re: How do you access the Facebook version?

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