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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

4 posters

    No Access to MM since Quest Ended


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    No Access to MM since Quest Ended Empty No Access to MM since Quest Ended

    Post  Catie12 Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:15 pm

    Is anyone else having trouble with their manor since quest ended??? I am unable to visit friends, see my wall or check for gifts. I have no internet when I am in manor. This is very frustrating, I have no idea what to do or how to get MM to work again.
    If you have any ideas please let me know.


    No Access to MM since Quest Ended Empty Re: No Access to MM since Quest Ended

    Post  Guest Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:18 pm

    My quests still have almost two hours left so not sure. Have you completely closed game and restarted iPad?
    Gigi House

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    No Access to MM since Quest Ended Empty Me Too!

    Post  Gigi House Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:14 am

    I'm having the exact same problem. I've restarted my ipad. I've deleted all programs in history and restarted. I've restarted MM more times than I want to count. Nothing has worked for me and I'm glad I found your message here. Sorry you're having problems but it's nice that we're not alone with it.

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    No Access to MM since Quest Ended Empty Re: No Access to MM since Quest Ended

    Post  Mbstr8k Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:27 am

    Gigi House wrote:I'm having the exact same problem. I've restarted my ipad. I've deleted all programs in history and restarted. I've restarted MM more times than I want to count. Nothing has worked for me and I'm glad I found your message here. Sorry you're having problems but it's nice that we're not alone with it.

    Gigi. Did your problem start last week when the full moon quests ended or today? If today, no one is getting access. GI is "changing servers" and no one can visit any of their friends in the meantime. See this thread for the discussion

    If it started last week, then you will want to contact support...when and if, they start us all up again. :|

    Posts : 3
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    MM Name : Rachel

    No Access to MM since Quest Ended Empty Re: No Access to MM since Quest Ended

    Post  gerfrend Tue Jul 24, 2012 3:57 am

    Gigi House wrote:I'm having the exact same problem. I've restarted my ipad. I've deleted all programs in history and restarted. I've restarted MM more times than I want to count. Nothing has worked for me and I'm glad I found your message here. Sorry you're having problems but it's nice that we're not alone with it.

    Hey Gigi! It's me Rachel! Smile I was wondering what just happened with the no server response - thought I was banned cos there's a rumour going around that there are trolls in-game who complain and eventually get you banned or something. I did however manage to send you that kraken back, I hope it's still there when this all goes back to normal!
    Gigi House

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    MM Name : Gigi House

    No Access to MM since Quest Ended Empty Re: No Access to MM since Quest Ended

    Post  Gigi House Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:03 pm

    Mbstr8k wrote:
    Gigi House wrote:I'm having the exact same problem. I've restarted my ipad. I've deleted all programs in history and restarted. I've restarted MM more times than I want to count. Nothing has worked for me and I'm glad I found your message here. Sorry you're having problems but it's nice that we're not alone with it.

    Gigi. Did your problem start last week when the full moon quests ended or today? If today, no one is getting access. GI is "changing servers" and no one can visit any of their friends in the meantime. See this thread for the discussion

    If it started last week, then you will want to contact support...when and if, they start us all up again. Neutral

    Mbstr8K, it was only last night. All is fine now.

    Posts : 483
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    Location : East coast
    MM Name : Charlotte

    No Access to MM since Quest Ended Empty Re: No Access to MM since Quest Ended

    Post  Mbstr8k Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:20 pm

    Mbstr8K, it was only last night. All is fine now. [/quote]

    Glad to hear it! :D

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