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Dazza JP
mlle. scarlett
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    crop circles?

    mlle. scarlett
    mlle. scarlett

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    crop circles? Empty crop circles?

    Post  mlle. scarlett Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:50 am

    just finished the emerald quest following the excellent advice given on this forum. A friend told me that I would need to work on crop circles next. What is this about?
    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

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    crop circles? Empty Re: crop circles?

    Post  Dazza JP Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:23 am

    mlle. scarlett wrote:just finished the emerald quest following the excellent advice given on this forum. A friend told me that I would need to work on crop circles next. What is this about?

    I'm assuming they are talking about the UFO quests and the building of the UFO room, though I finished this before the emerald quest, so I guess the order is not always the same. Shout if you need help on that quest if it is your next one.

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    crop circles? Empty Re: crop circles?

    Post  Trekker Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:45 am

    mlle. scarlett wrote:just finished the emerald quest following the excellent advice given on this forum. A friend told me that I would need to work on crop circles next. What is this about?

    Have you completed the Strange Recording Quest yet? It's where you need to banish 10 each of the robots. After that quest you'll start the search for the UFO, which if I remember correctly, begins with the crop circles.

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    crop circles? Empty Re: crop circles?

    Post  truperduper Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:34 am

    Trekker wrote:
    mlle. scarlett wrote:just finished the emerald quest following the excellent advice given on this forum. A friend told me that I would need to work on crop circles next. What is this about?

    Have you completed the Strange Recording Quest yet? It's where you need to banish 10 each of the robots. After that quest you'll start the search for the UFO, which if I remember correctly, begins with the crop circles.
    Trekker you are remembering correctly. Very Happy


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    crop circles? Empty Re: crop circles?

    Post  LaVentosa Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:00 am

    As far as I know the emerald has nothing to do with the ufo quest, but with the ocean room - and in the end now pirate ship - quest-string. If I remember correctly we needed the emerald as a gift for the mermaid, and for me there were quite a few quests about searching the Ocean room after that until I ended with the beginnning of the pirate ship.
    It's all a bit hazy, as I was in a "Turtle/SilverSun/SuperEnergy -Daze", but I definitely had NOT completed "a strange recording" with the 300 Oilcans.
    That was much later and as Trekker said, led to the Crop Circles, then the Intergalactic beacon, then the Decoder.

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    crop circles? Empty Re: crop circles?

    Post  Mbstr8k Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:15 am

    LaVentosa wrote:As far as I know the emerald has nothing to do with the ufo quest, but with the ocean room - and in the end now pirate ship - quest-string. If I remember correctly we needed the emerald as a gift for the mermaid, and for me there were quite a few quests about searching the Ocean room after that until I ended with the beginnning of the pirate ship.
    It's all a bit hazy, as I was in a "Turtle/SilverSun/SuperEnergy -Daze", but I definitely had NOT completed "a strange recording" with the 300 Oilcans.
    That was much later and as Trekker said, led to the Crop Circles, then the Intergalactic beacon, then the Decoder.

    My only quest is the 300 oil cans or banishing the robots quest. I am in no hurry to complete, because I know all those quests for gathering things to open the UFO room follow....and I hate gathering quests. I do want to know if there are some fun/easy quests that follow....the ones that require you to have certain collection items. BTW, I'm done with all the pirate stuff and have been for awhile

    These updates have really ruined my momentum with the game. I can feel the beginning of the end for me...... Frustrations abound.

    Update....I started out optimistically yesterday after two oil cans dropped after searching 4 rooms! Then......nothing....all day. Three weeks of play and only 8 cans. So, I gave up and bought the remaining 292 cans. Aargh. At least it helped my purchase achievement.:-/. Now on to crop circles.


    Last edited by Mbstr8k on Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:09 pm; edited 2 times in total
    mlle. scarlett
    mlle. scarlett

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    crop circles? Empty Re: crop circles?

    Post  mlle. scarlett Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:57 am

    i am partially finished with the robot thing, taking my time due to the expense of oil cans. I'm also feeling the frustration due to all the updates. Yesterday I didn't evn bother picking up my XP points becausee I got so many crashes, no server responses and this player has not updated. I really want to see that pirate ship though!

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    crop circles? Empty Re: crop circles?

    Post  Elizabeth0 Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:24 am

    I've finished the emerald quest and the robot/oil can quest but have yet to get any thing about opening the UFO or pirate ship Sad
    Currently my quests are find the UV Lamp and explore the oceanic room in a certain mode.

    I received a notice weeks ago that I was now able to start the pirate ship but no quest or directions ever came. I've leveled up 20 times since then. I'm not sure if there is a level associated with being able to open them or what.

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    crop circles? Empty Re: crop circles?

    Post  LaVentosa Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:39 am

    Elizabeth0 wrote:I've finished the emerald quest and the robot/oil can quest but have yet to get any thing about opening the UFO or pirate ship Sad
    Currently my quests are find the UV Lamp and explore the oceanic room in a certain mode.

    I received a notice weeks ago that I was now able to start the pirate ship but no quest or directions ever came. I've leveled up 20 times since then. I'm not sure if there is a level associated with being able to open them or what.
    your two remaining quests are the ones that lead to Ufo (UV-Lamp - you'll have to find other things as well...) and Oceanic room (there are several exploring that room-quests) lead to the pirate ship.
    So everything its going according to plan Wink

    crop circles? Empty Re: crop circles?

    Post  Guest Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:59 pm

    LaVentosa wrote:
    Elizabeth0 wrote:I've finished the emerald quest and the robot/oil can quest but have yet to get any thing about opening the UFO or pirate ship Sad
    Currently my quests are find the UV Lamp and explore the oceanic room in a certain mode.

    I received a notice weeks ago that I was now able to start the pirate ship but no quest or directions ever came. I've leveled up 20 times since then. I'm not sure if there is a level associated with being able to open them or what.
    your two remaining quests are the ones that lead to Ufo (UV-Lamp - you'll have to find other things as well...) and Oceanic room (there are several exploring that room-quests) lead to the pirate ship.
    So everything its going according to plan Wink

    I did the UFO room before I got the Emerald or Neotune quests...UV lamp must trigger it....

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