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2 posters

    Crop Circle Drop Rate


    Posts : 1
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    Join date : 2013-02-20

    Crop Circle Drop Rate Empty Crop Circle Drop Rate

    Post  reefs.endeavour Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:55 am

    I'm need the last three crop circles:
    Room 51
    Silhouettes in Laboratory
    Mist in the Hall

    I'm still waiting for the mist to appear, but I have attempted the other two so many times. I've used about 1000 Containers and 1000 batteries so far and I still don't have the crop circles. I've used a turtle at all times and taken a 10% item drop helper where possible.

    Is this normal?

    Posts : 53
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    Reputation : 3
    Join date : 2012-09-28
    Friend Code : 7d0e7c
    MM Name : skip

    Crop Circle Drop Rate Empty Re: Crop Circle Drop Rate

    Post  skiptx Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:38 am

    reefs.endeavour wrote:I'm need the last three crop circles:
    Room 51
    Silhouettes in Laboratory
    Mist in the Hall

    I'm still waiting for the mist to appear, but I have attempted the other two so many times. I've used about 1000 Containers and 1000 batteries so far and I still don't have the crop circles. I've used a turtle at all times and taken a 10% item drop helper where possible.

    Is this normal?

    That's been my experience. The drop rate for the last two or three is horrible. I am stuck with:
    Trade with gypsy baron
    Silhouettes in the laboratory

      Current date/time is Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:11 am