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    Island events collection drop rate question?


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    Island events collection drop rate question? Empty Island events collection drop rate question?

    Post  ycul Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:32 am

    For those of you who have finished the Island events and have collected all 9x of each items and charged the collections, are you still searching the Island at all? And have you still been getting the items to drop. I'm curious if the drop rate is worse than before you charged the collections. Im at 81% expert on the Island and still have about 5 items to collect but the drop rate is horrible. Just wondering if it can get any worse?


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    Island events collection drop rate question? Empty Re: Island events collection drop rate question?

    Post  Camille Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:41 pm

    I haven't finished the 9x quest but have noticed in the last couple of days the drop rate slightly improve. I'm at expert level (but not 100%), in my last 6 to 8 searches I've found 2 hatches, 1 bits of plane and 1 hat (could have been the parrot). Prior to this I haven't found anything for weeks and weeks from these collection.

    The drop rate for maps to trade with the seafarer-snatchin has improved for me too.

    I'm not doing anything different to what I was doing previously in terms of which charms or artifacts I'm using.


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    Island events collection drop rate question? Empty Re: Island events collection drop rate question?

    Post  ycul Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:48 am

    Thanks Camille, wish I could say the same. Ive gotten 2 maps in over 25 searches!!!! Sad

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    Island events collection drop rate question? Empty Re: Island events collection drop rate question?

    Post  Camille Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:27 am

    That's depressing Sad. I like a challange but that kind of drop rate is demotivating. Fingers crossed that things improve at your manor.

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    Island events collection drop rate question? Empty Re: Island events collection drop rate question?

    Post  Mogul Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:24 am

    ycul wrote:Thanks Camille, wish I could say the same. Ive gotten 2 maps in over 25 searches!!!! Sad

    Where are you finding the shells to access the island, as you have been able to visit 25 times? I just received the quest to visit the island 3 times, and don't have enough shells to visit the second time. Nowhere near having the items to complete the 3x9 event.

    Maps are dropping only 1 out of 25-30 rooms visits, if I am lucky. I have not yet reached the highest level as I can't get into the room enough.

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    Island events collection drop rate question? Empty Re: Island events collection drop rate question?

    Post  shandra4337 Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:17 pm

    Mogul wrote:
    ycul wrote:Thanks Camille, wish I could say the same. Ive gotten 2 maps in over 25 searches!!!! Sad

    Where are you finding the shells to access the island, as you have been able to visit 25 times? I just received the quest to visit the island 3 times, and don't have enough shells to visit the second time. Nowhere near having the items to complete the 3x9 event.

    Maps are dropping only 1 out of 25-30 rooms visits, if I am lucky. I have not yet reached the highest level as I can't get into the room enough.

    Detective's chests are the best way to get shells. Check your achievements to see if you're close to any that have them as rewards. The easiest ones to finish out are the charging collections, using tools, and the posting screenshots to facebook (which someone posted a tip about here on the site).

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