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    My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July.


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    My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July. Empty My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July.

    Post  CheezerWhizzer Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:24 pm

    1. Blackbeard has become almost impossible to find, but doubloons drop easily. I have all the brig collections so I am not buying cannonballs.

    2. Ugh...the cost of the weapons and the amount needed for Full Moon creatures. I hadn't added friends in months but find myself in need of diamonds. That means I'm deleting anyone who hasn't updated in the past week. I feel bad because it's a holiday week for the US, but I need a friends list of active players?

    3. How the hell am I leveling so quickly? Oh. Uncle Snatch gives 300 experience. So 10 banishes is the equivalent of Heart of Africa. Also the FoJ collections give craploads of experience.

    4. I am going to make the chest achievement because of the Pilgrim chests. I have opened 300 in the past 24 hours alone. Sweet.

    5. Speaking of achievements, my manor is almost always in silhouette mode. All of the rooms seem to default to that. I'll hit that achievement as well.

    6. If you aren't compelled, don't charge those collections to complete quests. Your drop rate on weapons drops after you charge. I'm shaking my rolling pin at you, vile succubi!

    7. Infinite energy. You can charge Flowers of Passion (80% energy restoration) run it until your energy is low, ADD a copper or gold phoenix to your charms and it works to give you energy. You can do it repeatedly.

    8. On the other hand, you have to be running a Turtle of Luck FIRST when you charge Delicate Bouquet (50% chance of finding an item.) Unlike Cornucopia where you can add a turtle.

    9. Never before have I had to ask for chargers every single day. I am charging collections like mad for the coins. And bankers, we need you! Smile

    10. I'd forgotten how much fun it is to have quests!

    On another note, I am also deleting friends who have NEVER sent me a collection item that post on my wall "Could you please help fulfill my wishlist?" Especially players who are over level 100 and have over 800 friends and do this to everyone. Is it just me? Item beggers annoy me. I am a pretty generous gifter/tipper.

    Eta: Old boots are dropping like mad but I have no Snatchin Shoemakers.

    Last edited by CheezerWhizzer on Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July. Empty Re: My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July.

    Post  hippolyra Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:34 pm

    finished the 4th july.

    The Declaration Of Independence Charm increases chances of finding item, money, and experience for 7 days. If it included energy too I would not sleep for 7 days!

    Another note on the quest, if you are not running infinite energy keep an eye on how close you are to levelling up so you do not level up when you have lots of energy. Really annoys me when i do this as it seems such a waste. Especially as at level 60 you can explore the living room 20 times at full energy. And then banish Uncle Snatch 20 times for 6000 experience.

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    Post  hippolyra Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:48 pm

    I think that once you have got the Declaration of Independence Uncle Snatch turns into Sly uncle. Who drops 300 experience when banished but not a chest (or at least not when running a turtle)

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    My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July. Empty Re: My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July.

    Post  Soozicle Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:46 pm

    I would definitely wait a few days before deleting non-updated folks... at least until Sunday. I fully plan to use this update to weed out those non-active players, too, but it's too soon. Even without the holiday I'm inclined to give people about a week to update before I axe them. Could be a number of reasons why an otherwise avid player would have to put it down for a few days.

    The 4th is just such a major holiday for us and a LOT of people take their summer vacations around it. By Sunday the bulk of them should start to return to their normal routines, so I say wait until then.

    Yeah, the people who post requests on your wall and don't gift or don't gift equally should be removed. I had a girl send me a charging item (instead of a collection item I had on my wish list that she had multiples of), and then proudly post that she had done so and could I please give her one of my collection items for it? What are you, a gypsy who doesn't trade fairly? LOL At least ask first! SHEEEESH!! This is why I don't beg for stuff, but I'll never say I never will What a Face

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    My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July. Empty Re: My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July.

    Post  LaVentosa Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:36 am

    Thanks for that post, Cheezer!! It made me smile and nod at almost every single phrase Smile
    Thx for the hint about the sinking droprate after charging.

    (what IS it, with these old shoes! Smile)

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    Post  Mbstr8k Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:35 pm

    LaVentosa wrote:Thanks for that post, Cheezer!! It made me smile and nod at almost every single phrase Smile
    Thx for the hint about the sinking droprate after charging.

    (what IS it, with these old shoes! Smile)

    I agree. Great post Cheezer. As for the boots....I think it is GI symbolically kicking our butts. lol!

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    My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July. Empty Re: My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July.

    Post  Camille Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:31 pm

    Soozicle wrote:Yeah, the people who post requests on your wall and don't gift or don't gift equally should be removed. I had a girl send me a charging item (instead of a collection item I had on my wish list that she had multiples of), and then proudly post that she had done so and could I please give her one of my collection items for it? What are you, a gypsy who doesn't trade fairly? LOL At least ask first! SHEEEESH!! This is why I don't beg for stuff, but I'll never say I never will What a Face
    I agree. One of my friends has repeatedly asked for flying monkeys and before giving me a chance to respond sent me, as a trade, a knife or spoon from the flateware collection. Rolling Eyes The second time it happened I kindly suggested that he send me, at least, a charging item that I was in short supply of. I was then accussed of being calculating. Shocked I pointed out that it wasn't fair to send me somthing I had hundreds of in exchange for a sought after collection item. He managed to delete me from his friend list before I had a chance. BTW, I love to trade but in a way that everyone benefits.


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    My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July. Empty Re: My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July.

    Post  LaVentosa Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:01 am

    CamilleMM wrote:I was then accussed of being calculating. Shocked
    well... HELLO?? Shocked The whole game is abbout calculate what to search, what to charge, what to trade who to ask an so on! Be happy he canceled the friendship - It's supposed to be fun! I love the way my friends and I are communicating - all the "thank you"s and help are really "good vibes" Smile I find myself smiling most of the time when i visit or gift!
    I'm still on the upwards counter because of the 500er achievment (slow going...), but I'm not sure I'll be getting there - these times it is obviously good to have many friends with the needed chargers and all, but i don't like not being able to care (or know) all my friends...

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    My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July. Empty Re: My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July.

    Post  Camille Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:55 am

    LaVentosa wrote:
    CamilleMM wrote:I was then accussed of being calculating. Shocked
    well... HELLO?? Shocked The whole game is abbout calculate what to search, what to charge, what to trade who to ask an so on! Be happy he canceled the friendship - It's supposed to be fun! I love the way my friends and I are communicating - all the "thank you"s and help are really "good vibes" Smile I find myself smiling most of the time when i visit or gift!
    I'm still on the upwards counter because of the 500er achievment (slow going...), but I'm not sure I'll be getting there - these times it is obviously good to have many friends with the needed chargers and all, but i don't like not being able to care (or know) all my friends...
    I was glad to see him go just upset that I didn't get to delete him first Razz. I know not the most mature approach. I care about many of my friends too and love the virtual interaction with people across the globe.

    I reached the 300 friends achievement and have started culling my list. Starting with people who haven't updated their game (some haven't bothered with the last two to three updates). I don't think I have the stamina to aim for 500 friends.

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    My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July. Empty Re: My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July.

    Post  hippolyra Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:24 pm

    All the uncle snatches and sly uncles have vanished and I still have 60 hats! I want my 60 x 300 experience. Evil or Very Mad

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    Post  Trekker Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:56 pm

    Now that 4th of July quest is over, does anyone know if we can still get items from the pilgrim chests? I have to wait for my friend counter to reset before I can send out some more.

    @hippolyra...I thought I had used up all my hats, but then someone went and sent me another. Smile

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    Post  Guest Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:19 pm

    I'm still receiving items in my chests.

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    Post  hippolyra Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:34 pm

    Maybe I can use them all up next 4th July?

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    Post  Camille Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:03 pm

    hippolyra wrote:All the uncle snatches and sly uncles have vanished and I still have 60 hats! I want my 60 x 300 experience. Evil or Very Mad
    I found one lonely sly uncle while visiting a friend this morning. The banishing window stayed opened and I managed to dispose of my 75 hats and level up in a few seconds bounce

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    My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July. Empty Re: My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July.

    Post  hippolyra Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:25 am

    I shall search again.

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    My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July. Empty Re: My list of things about the update/Full Moon/Fourth of July.

    Post  LaVentosa Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:50 am

    CamilleMM wrote:I found one lonely sly uncle while visiting a friend this morning.
    High lvl or low lvl friend?

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