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    No more quests?


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    No more quests? Empty No more quests?

    Post  pianofingers Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:46 pm

    Is it just me, or are we out of quests again? Shocked

    My last ones were to charge the diamond Van Helsing, and banish the last tough monsters: Dark Knight, Phantom Knight, and Dark Adept / Priestess of Chaos. After that, no new quests appeared to take their place.

    So sad, I thought all these monster quests would finally open up a new room, like the Crypt that they have on the Facebook version! Crying or Very sad I guess we'll have to wait again...
    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

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    No more quests? Empty Re: No more quests?

    Post  Dazza JP Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:44 am

    pianofingers wrote:Is it just me, or are we out of quests again? Shocked

    My last ones were to charge the diamond Van Helsing, and banish the last tough monsters: Dark Knight, Phantom Knight, and Dark Adept / Priestess of Chaos. After that, no new quests appeared to take their place.

    So sad, I thought all these monster quests would finally open up a new room, like the Crypt that they have on the Facebook version! Crying or Very sad I guess we'll have to wait again...

    You are quick !!!!

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    No more quests? Empty Re: No more quests?

    Post  pianofingers Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:55 am

    Well, the one that really sped me along was kelli's tip about banishing friends' monsters that were already weak, rather than banishing your own at full strength. I was eager to see what lay beyond the monster quests, to see if there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

    Unfortunately, nothing... so take your time and enjoy the ride!
    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

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    No more quests? Empty Re: No more quests?

    Post  Dazza JP Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:59 am

    pianofingers wrote:Well, the one that really sped me along was kelli's tip about banishing friends' monsters that were already weak, rather than banishing your own at full strength. I was eager to see what lay beyond the monster quests, to see if there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

    Unfortunately, nothing... so take your time and enjoy the ride!

    I'm like you though, I will clear quests as quick as possible and I only saw kelli's tip today, so will be in the same postion as you soon lol

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    No more quests? Empty Re: No more quests?

    Post  pianofingers Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:10 am

    I guess I'll just go back to working on the achievements then Sleep

    Or I'll work on my other goal, which is to reach Level 199 so I can finally gift divers masks. Neutral

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    No more quests? Empty Re: No more quests?

    Post  LaVentosa Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:46 am

    pianofingers wrote:Is it just me, or are we out of quests again? Shocked
    *rofl* how come I knew it would be u posting the "finished!" first? Very Happy you are REALLY fast Smile
    Mind writing something about the vanquisher of monsters charm? (updates section?) or did u already and I overlooked?

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    No more quests? Empty Re: No more quests?

    Post  pianofingers Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:20 pm

    LaVentosa wrote:Mind writing something about the vanquisher of monsters charm?

    I haven't claimed the charm yet. Smile Learning from the Declaration of Independence where I earned the charm too early, making the Uncle turn Sly, I decided to wait until nearly deadline before getting the reward. I have already all 3 Van Helsings (silver, gold, diamond) but this time, am trying to be a bit more patient, LOL!

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    No more quests? Empty Re: No more quests?

    Post  hawkeyegirl Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:27 pm

    So, question for you, pianofingers. Once I am done with the quest for, say the Giant Werewolf, can I then start banishing werewolves on my friends' manors at will? I just want to make sure there are no more werewolf/mummy/vampire, etc. quests coming.

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    No more quests? Empty Re: No more quests?

    Post  pianofingers Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:42 pm

    @hawkeyegirl: Yup, that's what I'm doing now - using up my stash of weapons on friend's monsters, since there are no more quests that require them. Smile

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    No more quests? Empty Re: No more quests?

    Post  Debinapril Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:18 am

    Don't you find it frustrating that two timed quests come along at the same time? We wait for weeks and weeks and then there's a frenzy of activity and then quiet! I would have preferred a wait of at least a week between quests. I do find the way GI run this game a little strange at times.

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    No more quests? Empty Re: No more quests?

    Post  pianofingers Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:12 am

    @deb, true!

    Although I have to admit, the 4th of July treats made the monster quests go a lot smoother! It gave us golden buddhas for coins, turtles which always helps with hunting, and easy experience which helped players reach L99 quicker (thus giving us more sources of bullets and aspen). Not to mention, the Declaration of Independence charm really came in handy, making those hard-to-find weapons drop more often. Very Happy

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