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    Managing friends and gifting


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    Managing friends and gifting Empty Managing friends and gifting

    Post  Jillllll Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:52 pm

    How does everyone manage their friends list? I think I have way too many friends! have a few regulars that I send gifts to daily, but I also have trouble deciding how to "spend" the rest of the 50 charging items and 10 collection items.

    Do you alternate? As in: one day, send 50 gifts to the first 50 friends, the next day send to friends 50-100, the next day friends 100-150, etc.? Do you save your gifts just to send to people who request on your wall? Do you have some friends that never ask for gifts or gift back? I just find myself getting lost in the gifting process, and sometimes I feel bad when someone asks for a simple charging item and I can't send it because it is 9am and I've already sent 50 gifts for the day! It also doesn't help that some of my friends have the same name (seriously, how many Emilys play this game?!? haha), and I get confused as to who sent what.

    Anyway, any advice or strategies would be appreciated!

    Managing friends and gifting Empty Re: Managing friends and gifting

    Post  Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:35 pm

    I try to rotate through my lower level friends. Friends who have 500 or more friend I don't usually gift too because they have more opportunity to get items needed than say a friend with only 30 friends. Then I always leave 10-15 available to send gifts from my wall. I also try to pay attention to friends who send me stuff or asks on wall often. Hope this helps!

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    Managing friends and gifting Empty Re: Managing friends and gifting

    Post  engineer Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:29 pm

    Jillllll wrote:How does everyone manage their friends list? I think I have way too many friends! have a few regulars that I send gifts to daily, but I also have trouble deciding how to "spend" the rest of the 50 charging items and 10 collection items.

    Do you alternate? As in: one day, send 50 gifts to the first 50 friends, the next day send to friends 50-100, the next day friends 100-150, etc.? Do you save your gifts just to send to people who request on your wall? Do you have some friends that never ask for gifts or gift back? I just find myself getting lost in the gifting process, and sometimes I feel bad when someone asks for a simple charging item and I can't send it because it is 9am and I've already sent 50 gifts for the day! It also doesn't help that some of my friends have the same name (seriously, how many Emilys play this game?!? haha), and I get confused as to who sent what.

    Anyway, any advice or strategies would be appreciated!

    My gifting usually goes like this:

    -Gift everything I can from my wall
    -Look for people I trade with frequently, I know, or who give me gifts frequently (like people who give air cons, etc.)
    -Random scrolling and clicking until I reach 50. It sounds bad, but I'm not about to create spreadsheets and start accounting for a game! I normally just scroll and look for names that don't sounds familiar.

    I usually save all my collection item gifting for trades that I actively seek out among my friends.

    This works for me, but if you can be more organized, then more power to you Smile

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    Managing friends and gifting Empty Re: Managing friends and gifting

    Post  Admin Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:48 pm

    I get about 30 requests a day, so that leaves me with about 20 free gifts left to give.

    I usually give out whatever I think is needed by lower level players - for example, I give out Air Conditioners to players in level 20's because I know they will be needing them.

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    Managing friends and gifting Empty Re: Managing friends and gifting

    Post  sjwriter Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:47 am

    Right now I have a list of 200 and more friends. I also use a round robin like method to distribute daily that quota of 50 free + 10 items. I usually do the gifting while I make visits to friends, just leaving one help plus one item to each. This could be timely but I will know which player is active.

    For those requests on wall, I usually do not respond at once. These requests will be kept valid within 24 hours. I just clear the list right before my regular friends' visiting and gifting.

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    Managing friends and gifting Empty Re: Managing friends and gifting

    Post  Gandiefantastic Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:34 am

    Hi, does anyone know if there's a way to sort friends within the friend list? Even alphabetically would help!

    Seem to spend too long scrolling up and down....


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    Managing friends and gifting Empty Re: Managing friends and gifting

    Post  Mbstr8k Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:58 am

    Gandiefantastic wrote:Hi, does anyone know if there's a way to sort friends within the friend list? Even alphabetically would help!

    Seem to spend too long scrolling up and down....


    Unfortunately no. I use my wall to get to vist my friends who I visit/trade with the most. It is faster than scrolling to find their name. Otherwise, I've kinda remembered the general order....but I have less than 100 friends still, so that makes it a little easier.

    Wish they would alpha in next upgrade, but that would make things too simple for us! Very Happy

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    Managing friends and gifting Empty Re: Managing friends and gifting

    Post  Jillllll Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:59 pm

    Mbstr8k wrote:
    Gandiefantastic wrote:Hi, does anyone know if there's a way to sort friends within the friend list? Even alphabetically would help!

    Seem to spend too long scrolling up and down....


    Unfortunately no. I use my wall to get to vist my friends who I visit/trade with the most. It is faster than scrolling to find their name. Otherwise, I've kinda remembered the general order....but I have less than 100 friends still, so that makes it a little easier.

    Wish they would alpha in next upgrade, but that would make things too simple for us! Very Happy

    Yesssss I desperately want a better way to sort friends! I really think I need to just give in and start deleting friends. I feel kind of bad though - it seems like most people are still actively playing.

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    Managing friends and gifting Empty Re: Managing friends and gifting

    Post  ycul Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:57 am

    sjwriter wrote:Right now I have a list of 200 and more friends. I also use a round robin like method to distribute daily that quota of 50 free + 10 items. I usually do the gifting while I make visits to friends, just leaving one help plus one item to each. This could be timely but I will know which player is active.

    For those requests on wall, I usually do not respond at once. These requests will be kept valid within 24 hours. I just clear the list right before my regular friends' visiting and gifting.

    I know about the 50 free gifts per day but what is the +10 items?


    Managing friends and gifting Empty Re: Managing friends and gifting

    Post  Guest Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:06 am

    ycul wrote:
    sjwriter wrote:Right now I have a list of 200 and more friends. I also use a round robin like method to distribute daily that quota of 50 free + 10 items. I usually do the gifting while I make visits to friends, just leaving one help plus one item to each. This could be timely but I will know which player is active.

    For those requests on wall, I usually do not respond at once. These requests will be kept valid within 24 hours. I just clear the list right before my regular friends' visiting and gifting.

    I know about the 50 free gifts per day but what is the +10 items?


    +10 is the amount of collection items you can send per day

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    Managing friends and gifting Empty Re: Managing friends and gifting

    Post  karen_ni Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:53 pm

    I keep my friends list right around 50-55 friends this way everyone on my list should be able to receive at least one gift a day from me. If I go several days without receiving any gift, I usually delete that person. It's nothing personal, I just figure it's too hard to for me to keep track of too many people so if I have just 50 friends who I gift and receive gifts from daily, it makes it easier for me. I keep a list of who sends me a gift or trade. I think it would be too confusing if I had more people to keep track of. This also allows me to add new people who gift more frequently or are at a level that I am interested in adding. So if I have deleted you as a friend, please don't be mad, I just prefer playing with other players who can send me a gift at least a few times a week.

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    Managing friends and gifting Empty Re: Managing friends and gifting

    Post  pianofingers Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:06 pm

    Karen, same here. That's my philosophy exactly.

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    Managing friends and gifting Empty Re: Managing friends and gifting

    Post  Admin Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:07 pm

    I don't think anyone would take it personally.

    I do think it is more beneficial to have more friends though. I always give out my 50 free gifts per day to random people on my list. Having more friends means that I have more people to trade with. Sometimes, lower level players are more likely to trade certain items. When I need charge items, I like the fact that regardless of the item I need (sometimes I need different ones), I can send out 200 requests and then be stocked for days/weeks. Another benefit is that friends have different mobs in their manor. Some friends are low level, but have rare mobs that I am looking for.

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    Managing friends and gifting Empty Re: Managing friends and gifting

    Post  karen_ni Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:28 pm

    Admin wrote:I don't think anyone would take it personally.

    I do think it is more beneficial to have more friends though. I always give out my 50 free gifts per day to random people on my list. Having more friends means that I have more people to trade with. Sometimes, lower level players are more likely to trade certain items. When I need charge items, I like the fact that regardless of the item I need (sometimes I need different ones), I can send out 200 requests and then be stocked for days/weeks. Another benefit is that friends have different mobs in their manor. Some friends are low level, but have rare mobs that I am looking for.

    I agree with this, I just personally find it easier for me to keep track of fewer people. It does take me a little longer to get the items I need, but I don't mind. The only thing I want to point out is that you can always visit the friends of your friends if you are looking for a particular "mob" or whatever they're called. I had to do this when I was looking for the Gypsy Boy. I swear he was hiding from me so I had to look through some of my friends, friends to find him. Just something to keep in mind if you are looking for a particular manor roamer!

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    Managing friends and gifting Empty Re: Managing friends and gifting

    Post  Mooscrat Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:45 pm

    I defintely enjoy having the plethora of friends for the requesting item reach...but I'd have to classify our gifting system as 'need based' as in let us know if u need it, otherwise we tend to drop gifts and or items off at random while building up the rep. I think everyone tends to suddenly have built up with that core group of traders and helpers after a bit, no? The circle of MM life as it were.

    I did actually run across someone who had been banned from the game due to complaints once, that shocked me.

    How much of your gifting do you all think is from gifting back those who sent? A lot of the time I feel like we are just barely keeping up with daily players...


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