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mlle. scarlett
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    a gifting question

    mlle. scarlett
    mlle. scarlett

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    a gifting question Empty a gifting question

    Post  mlle. scarlett Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:03 pm

    How to ask this question without sounding like an ungrateful bitch.....hmmm...

    So, I have this friend who sends me many, many gifts every day. I love to get many, many gifts every day. The problem is that she doesn't stick to the items on my wishlist, she goes through my collections and sends me everything I am missing. Not just occasionally, every day. The thing is, I actually like to explore the rooms and finally finding that one collection item I need. Once I've found something the first time, I don't mind receiving multiples of that item and may put it on my WL if its something I need to charge repeatedly. But, receiving items as gifts rather than finding them is sort of ruining the game for me. I've been trying ti regift her gifts but since I can only do 10 collection items per day, its not really possible. She is so sweet and trying so hard to be a good friend. Any ideas?

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    a gifting question Empty Gifting...

    Post  summerville Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:49 pm

    I don't think you will sound ungrateful if you tell your friend. If she is a member here, she will see this and maybe recognize herself. I have been guilty of doing this (looking for a collection item to send) when I really wanted to give someone a gift and I didn't think the person needed charge items or I just didn't have anything on their WL. . If you have been really good to this friend they probably just want to thank you. I have. A lower level friend who I've been helping out because I really like the giving part of this game a lot, she is sending what she has, which is collection 1,2,3 she is a sweetheart and I just take her gifts. I understand what you are saying though about wanting to find some items yourself. Man I am so bored and lonely on this game right now! I'm trying to avoid housework, but no one is playing!

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    a gifting question Empty Re: a gifting question

    Post  Caz Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:28 pm

    Kelly L wrote:I don't think you will sound ungrateful if you tell your friend. If she is a member here, she will see this and maybe recognize herself. I have been guilty of doing this (looking for a collection item to send) when I really wanted to give someone a gift and I didn't think the person needed charge items or I just didn't have anything on their WL. . If you have been really good to this friend they probably just want to thank you. I have. A lower level friend who I've been helping out because I really like the giving part of this game a lot, she is sending what she has, which is collection 1,2,3 she is a sweetheart and I just take her gifts. I understand what you are saying though about wanting to find some items yourself. Man I am so bored and lonely on this game right now! I'm trying to avoid housework, but no one is playing!

    Hey Kelly
    It does seem quiet today, I usually have a wall full of requests but very few today!! Just been sending out to friends, almost upto the 'K's!!!
    Caz Very Happy

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    a gifting question Empty Re: a gifting question

    Post  Soozicle Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:19 pm

    Are you making sure to leave at least one low level charging item on your wish list? Maybe she doesn't have anything you're asking for.

    My biggest pet peeve right now is people who have things I have on my WL yet they still gift me something random I didn't need. I'd much rather be gifted something I did need even if I didn't ask for it cat


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    a gifting question Empty Re: a gifting question

    Post  Mselui Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:21 pm

    I'd love to know how the multi gift thing works. Some of my kind friends gift me multiples of my wl but I dont know how to return the favor.
    mlle. scarlett
    mlle. scarlett

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    a gifting question Empty Re: a gifting question

    Post  mlle. scarlett Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:19 pm

    Actually, the friend I write about is at a much higher level than I, so, no, its not that she is trying to repay me somehow. For whatever reason, she has just decided to take me under her wing and fill in all the empty slots in my collections! Oh well, worse problems to have -lol. I did mention to her that perhaps she should hold off on all the gifts in light of the recent rumors that MM was monitoring gifts but she says she doesn't believe it. And, no, to the best of my knowledge she is not on this forum.
    Mselui, I have been told how to do multiple gifting but am still not able to do so! I think your internet connection needs to be kind of slow so i have even tried sending gifts while out and about. I really need a private tutorial! Email Brad, the forum moderator and he will explain it to you.

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    a gifting question Empty Re: a gifting question

    Post  Debinapril Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:48 pm

    This made me laugh because I have had the same thing happen. I like to find things for myself too, you get a real sense of achievement. it's the way I like to play the game. So when a well meaning friend gifts all the items you have been striving for .....well it's a bit frustrating to say the least and the difficult part is trying to explain........

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