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    Corset, Emerald & Neptune in 5 mins


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    MM Name : Hippolyra

    Corset, Emerald & Neptune in 5 mins Empty Corset, Emerald & Neptune in 5 mins

    Post  hippolyra Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:26 am

    Seriously 5 mins! no turtle and a 10% explorer friend.

    I paid with diamonds to summon the phemons.

    All 3 dropped 1st time! Wonder if if is something to do with the level I am at?

    I am fairly sure that most people get Neptune earlier?


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    MM Name : Lynn

    Corset, Emerald & Neptune in 5 mins Empty Re: Corset, Emerald & Neptune in 5 mins

    Post  Lynn Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:35 am

    What level are you at? I am 113 and have been stuck on Neptune for almost 2 months! Sick of it!

    Posts : 50
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    MM Name : Hippolyra

    Corset, Emerald & Neptune in 5 mins Empty Re: Corset, Emerald & Neptune in 5 mins

    Post  hippolyra Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:13 am

    Was about 104 when i did it. Was amazed at how fast it was.

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    Corset, Emerald & Neptune in 5 mins Empty Re: Corset, Emerald & Neptune in 5 mins

    Post  Lynn Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:55 am

    What amazing help! Thank you for telling me where to go! Going to try and get started on it now Smile let you know how it goes!

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    Corset, Emerald & Neptune in 5 mins Empty Re: Corset, Emerald & Neptune in 5 mins

    Post  Mbstr8k Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:52 am

    I think it is just the luck of the draw at how fast it is found. I was at a lower level (60s?) when I got these three quests. I was prepared for it to take forever, but boom, they all dropped within a half hour and I used no tricks. This was LONG before the ability to summon phenoms, etc. I was amazed and felt guilty because so many of my friends , including Admin, had been and still were struggling with these quests.

    I was happy yo have found it and be able to move on, but I know many who still struggle. The thread with hints on how to set up finding them has been a great help to many, but others still have had no luck...... So I go back to luck of the draw. I wonder if the new update will change how this quest is resolved and those oil cans so many of us struggled with! Very Happy

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