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    Island quest


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    Island quest Empty Island quest

    Post  Krkkrk Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:02 am

    I am sure this has been covered but I'm on lvl 88. Space ship open - but no sign of brig or island or maps!!! Any thoughts? I'm on iPad version which might be an issue I guess.
    Thanks alien

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    Island quest Empty Re: Island quest

    Post  Mbstr8k Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:21 am

    What quests do you have at the moment? Quests come in a particular order, depending on many factors, including room explorations. There are several that lead to the brig.


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    Island quest Empty Re: Island quest

    Post  Krkkrk Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:37 am

    I've got the dumb corset in the dressing room that I've been pretty much ignoring. Never get the right phenom in there. That's it.

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    Island quest Empty Re: Island quest

    Post  engineer Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:40 am

    Krkkrk wrote:I've got the dumb corset in the dressing room that I've been pretty much ignoring. Never get the right phenom in there. That's it.
    The corset leads to neptune and the emerald, which have been discussed at length in the Guides section I believe. Once you finish those quests, you'll get the next ones for the pirate brig and then after that the island. There's nothing wrong with anyone's game or the update, you're just not far enough!

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    Island quest Empty Re: Island quest

    Post  Mbstr8k Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:00 am

    Krkkrk wrote:I've got the dumb corset in the dressing room that I've been pretty much ignoring. Never get the right phenom in there. That's it.

    Here is the thread for the corset.....hope it helps.

    Also, The thread for Neptune and emerald.

    Check under Where to find....." section also.....another thread on the Neptune and emerald search is there. They are tough quests for many.

    Last edited by Mbstr8k on Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:04 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Island quest Empty Re: Island quest

    Post  Krkkrk Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:02 am

    Thanks. Brilliant!!

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    Island quest Empty Re: Island quest

    Post  puertokelly Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:56 pm

    What is the order of quests for Island? I've gotten the pot of gold and completed it, but nothing else has come up. Right now, I have Pirates Brig at night, Nails and board collection and killing 10 of each robot quest. I figure the robots would lead me to spaceship.

    Also, I've seen some chit chat re book collection. Advice also saying that if you are gifted them, keep them on the gift wall until needed. How many of each book should I collect? You guys said that the ones in inventory don't count, right? Also haven't gotten Runes quest either. Thanks!

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    Island quest Empty Re: Island quest

    Post  Shadowcat Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:20 pm

    puertokelly wrote:What is the order of quests for Island? I've gotten the pot of gold and completed it, but nothing else has come up. Right now, I have Pirates Brig at night, Nails and board collection and killing 10 of each robot quest. I figure the robots would lead me to spaceship.

    Also, I've seen some chit chat re book collection. Advice also saying that if you are gifted them, keep them on the gift wall until needed. How many of each book should I collect? You guys said that the ones in inventory don't count, right? Also haven't gotten Runes quest either. Thanks!

    You need 1 of each book, keep them on gift wall and accept as you get the quests.

    You are right that robots 10x lead to spaceship. It is not needed to get island.

    I thought I got book quests right after pot of gold. Hmm. Only other quest I had then was the 10x robots. I would try the pirate ship at night and see what comes...

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    Island quest Empty Re: Island quest

    Post  Katthegreat Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:14 am

    I'm hoping someone is far enough ahead on the island quest that they can tell me how to get the Atlantans parts. Do they come up in a quest later?

    The marine maps drop so rarely that I will be many years waiting for the Atlantean parts to drop Sad I refuse to spend diamonds to get the parts.

    I think it could be a long wait to explore the island

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    Island quest Empty Re: Island quest

    Post  puertokelly Sat Aug 04, 2012 5:00 am

    I did nIght on ship, night in fortune telling and then the runes and books finally came. Now I, like everyone else, am patiently searching for pieces. I have heard you need cognac later on, so if it is gifted, leave it on your wall until it is called for. I don't know how many you need though.

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    Island quest Empty Re: Island quest

    Post  engineer Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:57 pm

    Katthegreat wrote:I'm hoping someone is far enough ahead on the island quest that they can tell me how to get the Atlantans parts. Do they come up in a quest later?

    The marine maps drop so rarely that I will be many years waiting for the Atlantean parts to drop Sad I refuse to spend diamonds to get the parts.

    I think it could be a long wait to explore the island
    There are quests for those, but they all involve banishing the sea farer snatchin. Then, you'll need 5 of each item to get into the island, similar to how the brig worked. Yes, it's a pain in the butt, but the maps do drop occasionally and it only took me a day to get them all.

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    Island quest Empty Re: Island quest

    Post  engineer Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:59 pm

    puertokelly wrote:I did nIght on ship, night in fortune telling and then the runes and books finally came. Now I, like everyone else, am patiently searching for pieces. I have heard you need cognac later on, so if it is gifted, leave it on your wall until it is called for. I don't know how many you need though.
    You're going to need 25 of a lot of items-- fillet, miso soup, and tiramisu for starters. Then I believe the quests for the booze come. Drunken joe whiskey, cognac, mermaid vodka.

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    Island quest Empty A guide for the island quests

    Post  Mbstr8k Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:11 pm

    A guide has been set up for the island quests, look here:

    Thank Queen Victoria, who continues to keep us updated as She works through the quests. Very Happy


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    Island quest Empty Re: Island quest

    Post  Krkkrk Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:44 pm

    thanks everyone - now I have the brig but how do you get all those blasted pirates!! gah!!!

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    Island quest Empty Re: Island quest

    Post  puertokelly Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:16 pm

    Put them on your WL and ask friends. You can also get them from Blackbeard. Using the turtle helps a lot. You can trade with folks too or just borrow them because you don't need to charge them or anything.

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    Island quest Empty Island challenge

    Post  Kristi927 Sat Aug 11, 2012 2:23 pm

    Has anyone completed the island challenge of charging island collections 9x each (the one after banishing Olympic snatchin 100x each)? If so what comes next if anything?

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