I'm having a quest to collect pliers and drunken whiskey, and need info if those collections will be taken away after we done with the quest or no. If no, then i can ask help from friends just like the quest for lovers ikebana. Anyone knows?
4 posters
Collection taken away or no?
Sakura- Posts : 248
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Collection taken away or no?
ycul- Posts : 233
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MM Name : ycul
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Re: Collection taken away or no?
From what I recall they are taken. Maybe someone who has done this quest recently has a better recolection!
Sakura- Posts : 248
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Re: Collection taken away or no?
Hello jakarta, Thanks for your info. I just finished with this quest where I've to collect laser, plasma rifle etc but then when I'm done they didn't take it away. So I hope the same thing for pliers and whiskey too.
QueenVictoria- Posts : 415
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Re: Collection taken away or no?
They're taken away, honey!
kk_mm- Posts : 26
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Re: Collection taken away or no?
Sakura wrote:I'm having a quest to collect pliers and drunken whiskey, and need info if those collections will be taken away after we done with the quest or no. If no, then i can ask help from friends just like the quest for lovers ikebana. Anyone knows?
Hi Sakura, I've just completed this quest, yes both were taken away from my collections.
Sakura- Posts : 248
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Re: Collection taken away or no?
Oh man, well I think I have a trick for this although I know that they will take away those items. Since the quests come together, not separately, all we have to do is do it one by one. So if you're done with the 1st quest the item will still be in your inventory ( because the 2nd one is not finished yet). Then you can send the first item's quest to another player who might have the same quest. For the 2nd quest, we can't do that because as soon as we finish the items will be taken away.