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    Opening the island


    Posts : 82
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    MM Name : shadowcat

    Opening the island Empty Opening the island

    Post  Shadowcat Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:44 pm

    In an ideal world, would you gather up 5 sets of Atlanteans pieces and open the island before charging the collection for the quest?

    Does gathering the 5 sets of Atlanteans pieces actually open the island so you can explore it?


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    Opening the island Empty Re: Opening the island

    Post  engineer Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:53 am

    Shadowcat wrote:In an ideal world, would you gather up 5 sets of Atlanteans pieces and open the island before charging the collection for the quest?

    Does gathering the 5 sets of Atlanteans pieces actually open the island so you can explore it?

    What I did was gather the 5 pieces of each before I charged the collection to complete the quest. That way, you don't have to collect 6 of each! And yes, once you gather 5 of each, you get into the island.
    Dazza JP
    Dazza JP

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    Opening the island Empty Re: Opening the island

    Post  Dazza JP Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:02 am

    And the maps do not drop as often once you have charged the collection to finish that quest, I'm stuck on collecting 5 of each now :-(

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