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    So will the Friend Synthesizer get Killed now?


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    MM Name : Heremeow

    So will the Friend Synthesizer get Killed now? Empty So will the Friend Synthesizer get Killed now?

    Post  Heremeow Sun Aug 12, 2012 2:45 am

    Such a shame because it was a genius little script. Does it still work for android users? It looks like no more friend codes forever for iPad users. Booooo!

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    So will the Friend Synthesizer get Killed now? Empty Re: So will the Friend Synthesizer get Killed now?

    Post  Twix Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:46 pm

    Heremeow wrote:Such a shame because it was a genius little script. Does it still work for android users? It looks like no more friend codes forever for iPad users. Booooo!

    Just checked the Services Tab, i found out that Friends Code is back. You can add friends again.. i havent tried it yet though.

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    So will the Friend Synthesizer get Killed now? Empty Re: So will the Friend Synthesizer get Killed now?

    Post  Cajamina Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:31 pm

    Yes it's back, but nobody receives diamonds.

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    So will the Friend Synthesizer get Killed now? Empty Re: So will the Friend Synthesizer get Killed now?

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