You can access it from the menu on top if you are logged in.
What is it?
The Friend Code Synthesizer (FCS) allows you to enter in friend codes more quickly and efficiently - without the need to search the internet for friend codes. Going back and forth between your computer and your iPad is inefficient and slow.
How does it work?
The FCS is populated with PUBLICLY POSTED friend codes for Mystery Manor. It is a one stop location for many friend codes. FCS also shows the code to you in BIG READ LETTERS and READS THEM OUT TO YOU. You don't ever have to look away from your iPad as you're entering in friend codes.
Is it configurable?
YES! You can control how quickly FCS waits before going to the next code ('wait time'). You can also PAUSE the current code if you need extra time (or need a bathroom break), or revisit a previous code if you did not enter it in on time.
How often is the database updated?
Not very often, but from time to time - about once a month. Invalid codes are removed more frequently.
It won't play the audio on my iPad/iPhone!
iOS does not allow auto-playing of media content. As such, we highly recommend using Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer. (Not tested on other browsers, though they should work.)
My fried code is not in your database. Can you add it?
Perhaps we'll add this feature in the future. For the time being, the best way to have your friend code included in FCS is to post your friend code on Mystery Manor's Facebook page.
My fried code is in your database. Please remove it.
If your friend code is in the FCS database, this means that YOU or someone you know posted your code in a PUBLIC FORUM. Since it was posted in a public forum, it was meant for the whole world to see, and use. As such, the code will not be removed.
Do these codes work for the Facebook or Android versions of Mystery Manor?
No, these codes are specific to the iPad version of the game. Versions of the Synthesizer for the Facebook and Android versions are in the works (though, they aren't very high priority at this time...)
I would ask that FCS users to refrain from being too selfish. The more you take, the less there is to go around for others. Remember - each code can only be entered in 3 times a day.
If this tool is abused, I WILL take it away.
Last edited by Admin on Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:29 pm; edited 2 times in total