paulinelhg Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:53 pm
Last night I rated MM 1star and posted a comment
The most expensive 'free game'
despite asking players for feedback on Game Insight face book page, they decide to make the game more costly to play, against most player appeal.
Despite the previous boycott and collective appeal for players not to buy diamonds, rate MM 1 star, GI appear to listen n issue out an official reply, citing more often than not, " this is because of balance of game". Give out 50 diamonds.
This new upgrade on Selena room brought along quest that requires insane amount of oil can and a low drop rate. There are other challenging requirements, an estimate cost to open Selena room is $$200 plus. This means estimate 1500 to2000 diamonds.
I love challenges n like to solve mysteries, but will not pay to just open 1room n be frustrated with game crashing on me even in own manor, fear of losing all the collection that I've acquired because some players do have to start over with each new update.