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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

3 posters

    Continuation of Boycott


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    Continuation of Boycott Empty Continuation of Boycott

    Post  IsabellaBeckett Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:03 pm

    Hi everyone! I am new to this board and have been a pretty quiet player up until now. Today, I had to begin speaking up. I can't believe that Game Insight is censoring our comments and not providing the information that so many of us have requested! I am really offended Evil or Very Mad

    I think that the boycott was a great idea and commend Lori (I think that is right?) for organizing it. I think it is so important for Game Insight to understand that they cannot treat their customers this way and don't think that they have really gotten the message yet (or wouldn't they be more open with their communications to us?).

    I think we all should pledge to

    1) not buy a single thing from this company until they address the current issues and provide explanations to their global audience (not just 15 people), and
    2) give the game a 1 star rating FOR NOW. I believe that watching their five star game drop to two stars virtually over night has been a real motivator for them. They also keep deleting the posts that provide links to the app store. Additionally, they gave us all diamonds to give them a five star rating in the first place. Ideally, we should communicate that our poor rating / review will be changed to a more positive one when they treat us like customers that deserve their respect.

    As long as we are not spending money, I think we should play if we choose to and encourage our friends to boycott purchases, rate poorly, and email support to explain that their review is temporary and will be changed to a higher rating when they fulfill their customers' requests.

    Personally, I do not think anyone should participate in this 15 person Skype call. I think it is really offensive and an insult to all of us. They need to address our concerns in an open and transparent manner hat is open to all players.

    What do y'all think?

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    Continuation of Boycott Empty Re: Continuation of Boycott

    Post  Hme Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:09 pm

    I think you're right on. Exclamation

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    Continuation of Boycott Empty Re: Continuation of Boycott

    Post  IsabellaBeckett Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:29 pm

    How do we get more people to send in reviews?? I really do believe that is the key but if we post on Facebook, they will delete and ban us.

    Also, Shelly on Facebook pointed out that the reviews that show up on the main page are all higher ratings. This is because they have been rated by users as "helpful" (app pages default to "Most Helpful" reviews). If we want potential customers to see the negative reviews first, we all must

    - Go back to the app store using our computer (I don't think we can rate reviews using iPads)
    - Open individual reviews (preferably well-written one star reviews) and then rate them as helpful, which will bump them to the top

    Additionally, I have now included in my updated review that the reason for any of the five star ratings is that GI rewards players with in-app currency to rate the game as five stars (I think potential customers, and hopefully Apple) should know that these ratings have been artificially elevated and are not based on quality.

    Posts : 24
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    MM Name : Andrea

    Continuation of Boycott Empty Re: Continuation of Boycott

    Post  andreamritschard Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:57 am

    When I go to the app store on my Mac and search for mystery manor, no app comes up. Want to vote up 1 star ratings but can't get to them !

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    Continuation of Boycott Empty Re: Continuation of Boycott

    Post  IsabellaBeckett Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:24 am

    andreamritschard wrote:When I go to the app store on my Mac and search for mystery manor, no app comes up. Want to vote up 1 star ratings but can't get to them !

    You need to go through your iTunes app. Did you do this? You can also pull it up by going to all of your purchased apps in iTunes and then clicking on it. I hope this works!!!

    Continuation of Boycott Empty Re: Continuation of Boycott

    Post  Guest Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:19 am

    Please visit the offal Skype call section to post nominees and issues to be discussed during the call

    Thank you

    Posts : 42
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    Continuation of Boycott Empty Re: Continuation of Boycott

    Post  IsabellaBeckett Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:47 am

    GI has put a poll on Facebook regarding the conference call. Please vote AGAINST the call so that we can all get information at the same time. We are all customers and this 15 person call makes no sense!

    Posts : 24
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    MM Name : Andrea

    Continuation of Boycott Empty Re: Continuation of Boycott

    Post  andreamritschard Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:08 pm

    IsabellaBeckett wrote:
    andreamritschard wrote:When I go to the app store on my Mac and search for mystery manor, no app comes up. Want to vote up 1 star ratings but can't get to them !

    You need to go through your iTunes app. Did you do this? You can also pull it up by going to all of your purchased apps in iTunes and then clicking on it. I hope this works!!!

    I had not done that, so I found it in my iTunes, click on it and nothing. But clicking on any of the apps thru the Mac is doing nothing. I have no idea what I am doing wrong.

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    Continuation of Boycott Empty Re: Continuation of Boycott

    Post  IsabellaBeckett Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:04 am

    andreamritschard wrote:
    IsabellaBeckett wrote:
    andreamritschard wrote:When I go to the app store on my Mac and search for mystery manor, no app comes up. Want to vote up 1 star ratings but can't get to them !

    You need to go through your iTunes app. Did you do this? You can also pull it up by going to all of your purchased apps in iTunes and then clicking on it. I hope this works!!!

    I had not done that, so I found it in my iTunes, click on it and nothing. But clicking on any of the apps thru the Mac is doing nothing. I have no idea what I am doing wrong.

    Are you going to the iTunes store on your Mac and then clicking the app section? When I search for Mystery Manor, it comes right up. You can also search for Game Insight and all of their games will come up. I am sorry I cannot be of more assistance. I don't understand why it isn't working or you Sad

    Posts : 24
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    Join date : 2012-07-28
    Friend Code : ad6e2a
    MM Name : Andrea

    Continuation of Boycott Empty Re: Continuation of Boycott

    Post  andreamritschard Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:11 pm

    Maybe I'll reboot my Mac....thanks for all your help!

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