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    Huge bonus under testing times!


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    Huge bonus under testing times! Empty Huge bonus under testing times!

    Post  Chickenchick111 Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:59 pm


    Last edited by Chickenchick111 on Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:17 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Deleted at request)

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    Huge bonus under testing times! Empty Re: Huge bonus under testing times!

    Post  Samc147 Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:53 am

    This is very good news about getting your money back. I think that was an awful lot of money to spend on this game in the first place. I am level 199 and over the last few months have only had to spend £13.99 to get some diamonds as I wanted some items quickly.

    I fear that if everybody gets there money back. GI may be forced to close this game and we will all suffer.

    This is just my opinion.

    The new update does have some bugs in it which are frustrating for example ask a friend and it thinks you have already asked them.

    Yes we now can't add new friends for friends or diamonds and we can't multi gift.

    However on playing the game and when you actually play the game ie enter rooms etc. the gifts are now dropping like mad from the rooms so I feel like I am being multi gifted from the rooms. The new achievements and quests are now given us lots of energy and bonus things and we are able to go up levels quicker than before.

    All our new quests are for chests etc and I have not had to use my diamonds apart from dropping my counter to gift my friends which I had to do in the past.

    This may not be the correct topic to put my opinion on. But I seriously think that if we don't all back down just a bit and concentrate on the things like friends and the bugs in the game which stops game play. Then we may all suffer in a long run.

    Hope my opinion does not offend anyone.

    This is a game which so many of us enjoy.

    I now fear that everyone will just now concentrate in getting there money back. Which will then become a separate issue and battle and the real issues of bugs in the game will be lost.


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    Huge bonus under testing times! Empty Re: Huge bonus under testing times!

    Post  gemfinder Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:47 am

    Good for you Sarah but I totally agree with Sam.

    I think the fact that Apple have refunded purchases that you made in good faith reflects that GI are in trouble for having broken Developer rules and regulations but I suspect this is more to do with offering diamonds for 5 star reviews as opposed to points you have raised. I'm delighted you have got your money back though.

    Unfortunately, if GI do get backed further into a corner, then the end result will not be great for any of us.

    Sam speaks a lot of sense so kudos to her.

    Just my opinion Smile

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    Huge bonus under testing times! Empty Re: Huge bonus under testing times!

    Post  SJ Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:13 am

    Well done chick!! I've spent about the same as you and will be using the info in your post to approach apple. Can I ask, have you since had any problems with your Mm account? Like, have they removed the diamonds you spent, or can you now log in a play as before?

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    Huge bonus under testing times! Empty Re: Huge bonus under testing times!

    Post  Chickenchick111 Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:50 am

    Hey guys, the odd thing is I actually didn't mind at all buying diamonds, until now, and in my email everything ire read it I can't find where I sk for a refund, all I wanted was answers from applemre the breaches that gi claim to have made when Disney and other majors use the same reward features. I think maybe she skimmed the email or the translation didn't come across well, I'm not sure she's English speaking ass first language. My other messages to her asking for more info have all been returned with a standard thanks and you're welcome rather than any info I requested. I am happy to have the money back but didn't want it, it's only NOW that I will never buy in app purchases til the matter is sorted but when the game was good and workings was happy to do so for roses for artefacts and such like (have to admit I thought I'd done 340 gbp didn't realise how much, shocker as I'm on sick pay for the foreseeable future and live off very little) I toyed with the idea of telling her her to cancel the refund as she has misunderstood but to be honest, that's a silly idea?? Does anyone else read my email as though I wanted refund or just info???
    About to log into mm to see if I have 2654 diamonds as I did at seven am

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    Huge bonus under testing times! Empty Re: Huge bonus under testing times!

    Post  Chickenchick111 Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:43 pm

    Yes still have all my credits but what I've got are still paid for til refund hits bank so guess they'll be removed if at all then. I reiterate I didn't ask or want refund, just answers dammit like columbo did lol!

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    Post  Kristi927 Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:59 pm

    Wow! They sent you a canned response approved by their legal department. Probably the only way they could legally refund you. I SERIOUSLY doubt you will have diamonds disappear. I definitely think everyone who spent $ on the game should also send a letter just like yours to apple (not asking for refund but telling them of unfair practices and how much they spent) I definitely think apple is worried too. Thank you everyone for your time and effort!

    Huge bonus under testing times! Empty Re: Huge bonus under testing times!

    Post  Guest Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:32 pm

    I completely agree with Sam.
    Encouraging people to go for refunds when they have willingly made the purchases is taking the focus away from GI being greedy to making users look like they are going for a quick buck.
    I am over lvl 200 and spent a low amount at the start but through progressing and gaining valuable friends I haven't needed to make further purchases.
    GI have our attention now so let them have the opportunity to resolve the issues that have been given to them. If they dont, delete the app. Don't take it so far that it's not a credible business for them and they call time on the game. That will ruin it for everyone!

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    Huge bonus under testing times! Empty Re: Huge bonus under testing times!

    Post  Samc147 Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:50 pm

    Shelliqua wrote:I completely agree with Sam.
    Encouraging people to go for refunds when they have willingly made the purchases is taking the focus away from GI being greedy to making users look like they are going for a quick buck.
    I am over lvl 200 and spent a low amount at the start but through progressing and gaining valuable friends I haven't needed to make further purchases.
    GI have our attention now so let them have the opportunity to resolve the issues that have been given to them. If they dont, delete the app. Don't take it so far that it's not a credible business for them and they call time on the game. That will ruin it for everyone!

    Well said Shelliqua. My point exactly. I think this whole topic should be removed deleted from here because lots of people will not see the bigget picture and just try to get there money back. I know the whole point of the email to Apple from the person that started this was not about getting her money back. But I do fear that this could now be an end to the game if all follow her email.

    Does anyone agree that this whole topic should be deleted/removed?

    We all love this game and it would be such a terrible shame if the game was removed entirely!!!!!


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    Huge bonus under testing times! Empty Re: Huge bonus under testing times!

    Post  Chickenchick111 Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:36 pm

    Well I tried to delete whole post but can't, advised my post was fine guys, sorry for cross confusion, only meant to demonstrate that no one is really listening. Can't remove any other bits of my thread sorry

    Huge bonus under testing times! Empty Re: Huge bonus under testing times!

    Post  Guest Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:01 pm

    Sharing your experiences with apple and GI is completely acceptable here. As always, members are allowed to have their own opinions as long as they are stated in a respectful way. MMUFF does not condone attempts to get refunds for money that was willingly spent. That was not the original posters intent, therefore sharing the experience here is fine. The only person currently that can delete the thread is Admin.

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    Huge bonus under testing times! Empty Re: Huge bonus under testing times!

    Post  Chickenchick111 Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:50 pm

    Thanks you sfinley. I really apprise that Hun. Am now on third response from apple where lady says the only people who can confirm the reg broken by gi!!! And we should directly ask them. I replied saying we have and no answer forthcoming and please look into it if she's able. It is not the same operative, I now have ingo helping me. Let you know any response. If it helps mmuff? Cheers sfinley xxx

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