I just found a second news article about game insight where they say "User experience is the basis of your future revenue," Trushkina explained, why Game Insight has taken two years and had around 100 developers working on the title... Yet while Game Insight says it's seeing "amazing numbers" from the closed beta, it's still unsure whether the game will perform globally at the level it hopes. Retention rates are unbelievable. The active user base is amazing. But these games are very expensive. We could have made 10 casual games for this budget," Trushkina said.
Here is the link
So then I do research and can find no evidence of a gaming strike ever before! So I took it upon myself as one of your elected representative to spread this story to other news sources. So far I have emailed NBC and a website dedicated to social gaming news I have also sent it to I sent it to abc and they sent a canned response to mail them a 1 page letter blah blah blah. Anyone else have any ideas on who to send it to? I put my email to them at the bottom. The shorter the better because they are more likely to read it.
There is a major strike against a gaming company (game insight) for unfair game practices in their game Mystery Manor (a top grossing iPad/Facebook/android app). This has never happened before. It is actually becoming a big deal and apple is putting pressure on them because of major drop in ratings (5 stars down to 2 on current update which the only positive reviews are from new players earning extra rewards for a 5 star rating) and rankings on They are concerned so they started issuing random statements on their facebook page. I am including a link to an article explaining it more in detail. Please feel free to contact me or see for more details.
Kristi Uenishi
Last edited by Kristi927 on Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:51 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Found second article)