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Mystery Manor Unofficial Fan Forum

    Game froze during update, now can't get on at all :(


    Posts : 126
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    Reputation : 25
    Join date : 2012-07-31
    Location : UK
    MM Name : katyc

    Game froze during update, now can't get on at all :( Empty Game froze during update, now can't get on at all :(

    Post  Katyc Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:06 pm

    Hi, have to be quick as I'm on holiday and Internet is costing 6 euros for 2 hrs!
    I tried the update last week and it crashed ( while abroad, from England to France) before I could play the game but not online stuff. But now I can't get onto it at all as it just stopped half way through the update. I am lvl 101 with the brig and UFO and am really scared that I'll have to restart the app (will wait till I get home on Saturday and try uploading again as I know I'll loose everything, possibly even friends?)
    Has this happened to anyone else? Please help if so, the thought of all those bloody oil cans again!
    I have tried shutting the iPad down and also mystery manor by the home button but nothing helps Sad any help really appreciated


      Current date/time is Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:16 pm